Since the Dilithuim rolled out Ive already seen an UNFAIR price structure.
1) Costs of acquiring ships with each rank; granted you now get a discount coupon to acquire, BUT you should NOT have to grind to get the ship for your next rank.
2) Ship consoles cost more than have of a tier two ship when you reach Captain, 38,000 for example.
This is what Ive seen thus, far. What do you guys think?
i dont mind gear being expensive as i think it should be hard to come by and with a single currency you could buy nothing for the first thirty levels and immediately buy some high up gear. thats the beauty of a single currency but i do think the weapons are a bit too expensive at the moment. certainly at lower ranks they should be cheaper and the dilithium conversion cap should probably be raised.
i like the idea of having in game ways to raise it as well. maybe even be able to spend dilithium to permanently increase the conversion rate.
i also think we should get dilithium from missions and patrols ans things, even if its small. if you do 50 story missions then i think the dilithium you earn should be reflected in that. we used to earn merits from them, so i think we should earn dilithium instead.
I suspect we'll also see weapons/conosles and such on the cstore eventually though so you'd probly have the opotion of not having to grind out anything if you don't mind spending the money.....time will tell though.
I would not expect any official response about this though simply because there is no way Cryptic could say anything to criticize their new owners.