I have some characters that didn't use their ship tokens at various levels (especially at RAUH1) or tokens given from, for example KDF accolades, etc.
When the new economy goes to Holodeck, and badges/marks get converted, will ship tokens also to be converted? Will those characters get a level-appropriate ship's worth of Dilithium for each of remaining ship tokens?
10/13/11 Update: Most Ship Tokens are remaining for Gold Members. Details/Questions below:http://forums.startrekonline.com/showthread.php?p=3808599
That's not to say, once everything goes live, that they won't stealth adjust that value on the day of the patch.. >_>
ooo...Actually that would be nifty...a Used StarShip yard...Who says you deserve a Brand New Ship, nope you have just enough to buy that slightly used Excalibur at the back, thats right only 20,000 Light years on it... now it may have be a point or two slower at Warp...and i really wouldnt want to take it back into the Crab nebula after the last unfortunate accident... but yes sir that will get you to Commander yup.
Just sign this waiver and off you go....
But Seriously a slight flaw system that can be fixed by DoFF's missions for a used ship for say 2/3s the cost.
that allows you to sell off your old ship instead of discharge it. It might even be neat to save stats on it like it took part in 200 PvP missions or made the Starbase 24 mission in 10 mintues....
just a thought.
FyreMouse while off topic, I do agree it would be nice if we could sell our old ships for some EC or Dilithium. If not back to the game vendors, let us sell them on the Exchange to other players. Having a story based "used debuff" on each ship would be cool, but I'm certain would require tech that's beyond Cryptic to do anytime "soon".
On my first/main character I have and will continue to keep every ship I've ever flown, for sentimental reasons. But on most my other characters? Those old ships are just taking up slots at this point.
Our EEPH has said that this would be possiable, also the ship tokens should become discount toikens if it follows the same path as every other currency.
I would rather get Dilithium as both my toons have ship tokens they never used.
Same here, but fair is fair.
/me wonders what a va refit token would become, as I don't believe there's a va discount token currently...
I would love to know this to. I'm sitting on two ATM.
Yeah, my VA character still has it, I don't really like the ships available for it... and I'm actually still flying in a Nova on that character... >.>
That's excellent news! But leads to other questions:
* What happens to our VA tokens? Will these be converted to Dilithium?
* This doesn't affect me, but will there will be something in the Silver-to-Gold Converter that will handle these tokens, and if so, how will they be handled?