PWI - Discussion on a server merge

Regerem Messages: 387 ✭✭✭
Modifié (February 2013) dans Official Announcements
Hello all,

As I announced it when I was ingame we are reopening the server merge topic for Lothranis and Momaganon, I would like to specify that this is an INFORMATIVE topic and not an announcement that we are making a server merge.

Nothing is decided yet.

So before we are starting to discuss it seriously I would like to clarify a few points.

Please read carefully the following lines:

- The Fusion would concern the FR server Lothranis and the DE server Momaganon, they would be fuse in one big EU server.
- The official language of the server would be English; the system announcement will be in DE, EN and FR (depending of your Game Client).
- The characters will keep everything: gears, levels, flyers, coins.
- The GM’s will mainly speak in EN, it might be possible that some of them speak DE or FR, but it will not be always the case.
- Faction: the fate of the Factions and the Faction base is yet to determine, we will communicate more clearly on this topic in the future.
- PvE or PvP: the server status is not determined yet, this will be asked in a survey.
- The Content of the game itself will stay in the language of your game client, so you will still be able to enjoy a localize version of the game.
- The Territories are going to be reset, like at the end of a Territory War season.

To finish if you have other inquiries on how a possible server merge will happen, please post your questions in this topic.

Also, we will make a survey via email where you will be able to give your opinion directly on the topic (via Survey Monkey), we will make another announcement when this survey will be available.
Thank you for your attention!
Post edited by Regerem on


  • Zanir - Lothranis
    Zanir - Lothranis Messages: 6
    Modifié (October 2012)
    That looks wonderful, my only concern here is that we all signed up for a PvE server. There should be no question of the new server being PvE or PvP. If people want to PK they can go white name, but leave those of us that don't want to PK out of it XD
  • Morigana - Lothranis
    Morigana - Lothranis Messages: 7
    Modifié (October 2012)
    Love it, I think this would be the best for both servers.

    I agree with Zanir both servers are PVE if someone wanted to be on a PVP server they could have gone to other server before joining any of the EU ones.

    Also I'm sure that more ppl would join the EU server if the announcments were in english as I found some server searching topics in the US forums where europian ppl didn't speak french nor german.
  • branky9
    branky9 Messages: 1
    Modifié (October 2012)
    wonderfull idea ...was wondering why this haven't been done earlyer,cus activity on french server is awfully lower then any USA i think this will benefit to all people.
    one thing concerns me tho ...its pvp or pve zanir said we signed to pve server,would be unfair to force us pk and be feared of people...second thing is double names...what if people have same name... ? thats a bit tricky issue too ,i dont know how u gona alow change of names and keep the character,but overall its a great thing
  • SvartVit - Momaganon
    SvartVit - Momaganon Messages: 1
    Modifié (October 2012)
    I'm for a fusion, please don't make me choose between pve/pvp.

    I signed up on a pve server, that was my choice. (so please, let it stay that way.)

    There are pvp servers out there, if others prefer that.

  • Mermi - Lothranis
    Mermi - Lothranis Messages: 1
    Modifié (October 2012)
    i agree about the pve/pvp...server should remain pve if we choosed that way. for reseting teritoryes i don't think it's rly great to go again from start but well..i guess we dont have a choice. i am curious how the economy of the game will go after merge cuz atm i think it sucks of the fr server. prices are going always only up. Considering the activity on the server merging seems a nice ideea but i got some problems with it: first of all it's already hard enough to sell/buy itemes when half of ppl see the name in english ,half in imagine this with 3 languages, i won't ever find what i need lol(or anyway a lot harder),same for bh /quests and bosses will be a mess. Second problem would be the faction...we all worked hard for that faction base to lvl it up and i think i am speaking for everybody when i say we love Reign....try to find a way to not disban faction or i will say pass for merging:\ ;)
  • CandyShop - Lothranis
    CandyShop - Lothranis Messages: 1
    Modifié (October 2012)
    I quitted Lothranis a few weeks ago because it was kind of "dead" and now when i read that a merge is possible i am really glad to read it! I will come back aslong i can hold my chars with all coins/equip etc. I really would love a merge!!! I would appreciate a PVE server since i am not really into pk, except sometimes for fun. I hope to read soon about the merge :D

    ( I don't know why my name is CandyShop and not the one i use on Lothranis :confused: )
  • inthrixia
    inthrixia Messages: 1
    Modifié (October 2012)
    I love the idea to have more people around, new and different.. :)

    But.. what kinda makes me worried its the truly way to talk to each other. I mean, a lot of english people in the FR server, but there are a few that dont even bother to try to understand english. If that happens with germans.. Damn, >.<

    And i agree with SvartVit, if we chosed a PVE server, let us continue that way, only white named who chosed to have it.
  • Submariner - Lothranis
    Submariner - Lothranis Messages: 3
    Modifié (October 2012)
    PvE forever, i signed for a PvE server, so i would love to stay in PvE, whoever wnats pvp, just go on perma white name.
  • Anubiah - Lothranis
    Anubiah - Lothranis Messages: 4
    Modifié (October 2012)
    would be nice if server remains PvE, since is not mandatory to go PvP, you only go if you want
    i changed for this server for 2 reasons

    if i wanted PvP i would stay on the previous server i came from (Lost City)
    and like me, i believe more players agree with this point of view
  • Pendle - Lothranis
    Pendle - Lothranis Messages: 1
    Modifié (October 2012)
    The server is kinda dead, one reason I don't play much on it. I think one EU server would be very good. This way it can encompass the entire EU not just German and French. :)

  • ma1an
    ma1an Messages: 10
    Modifié (October 2012)
    a server merge could result in a comeback of at least 70% of the players that left Lothranis already, me included.
  • Regerem
    Regerem Messages: 387 ✭✭✭
    Modifié (October 2012)
    Thank you all for your feedbacks,

    I will continu to read them and will inform you when it will be time for a final vote !

  • ma1an
    ma1an Messages: 10
    Modifié (October 2012)
    ah, if you decide to merge, make it pvp server

    pvp servers are really more competitive respect pve ones and
    pvp server brings more fun and improves player base and gameplay
  • Regerem
    Regerem Messages: 387 ✭✭✭
    Modifié (October 2012)
    Apparently the big majority of the player are favorable to keep a PvE server, but the question needed to be asked. Thank you for clarifying this.
  • ma1an
    ma1an Messages: 10
    Modifié (October 2012)
    not really, people could choose just between 2 pve servers when they started eu servers...
    maybe actual players would like to keep it pve... but if you want to attract new player base, improve the competition, the overall server activity and the gameplay... pvp server is the way...
    kinda all servers are dieing, but if you check the US servers, the pvp ones (lost city, harshlands) are the most active and with the best gameplay

    none would like to switch from any us server to a new pve server...
    indeed i know many players that were just waiting the EN european PVP server opening to get in and play!!!
  • Morigana - Lothranis
    Morigana - Lothranis Messages: 7
    Modifié (October 2012)
    And a lot of the players that came here may quite if it was made PvP as we all came here knowing to play on a PvE server, anyways after the survy we will know which one the player base wants.
  • Regerem
    Regerem Messages: 387 ✭✭✭
    Modifié (October 2012)
    Yes, on my side I'm still gathering all the missing info's on the IT side, it will take time to set the things into motion anyway, but I'll be sure to keep you all in the loop of what is happening.

  • Zanir - Lothranis
    Zanir - Lothranis Messages: 6
    Modifié (October 2012)
    Would it be possible to get a rough time frame on when we should expect this to get set in motion? I realize you said you're still gathering info and such, but was hoping you'd have a rough idea as to when this might be implemented.

    Also, slightly unrelated, but how is the new expansion coming along for PWI? Should we expect to see that before or after this merge? If before, roughly how long?
  • Regerem
    Regerem Messages: 387 ✭✭✭
    Modifié (October 2012)
    Well, IF this is happening the new expansion will come first anyway, because trying to push both live at the same time will only complicate things enormously. We don't want to rush things and to create unnecessary problem because we were in a hurry to achieve a deadline. This would only result in frustration for everyone and been counterproductive with the excitement that this new server could bring.

    To be clear we are talking here about something that could happen in a few months, and not before 2013. I cannot be clearer than that without risking doing false promises.
  • ultrue1
    ultrue1 Messages: 1
    Modifié (October 2012)
    Hi,please Merge ASAP!Because of low population of server more and more leave,half of my friends gone..please try fast up this case as its very important for PWI.Sometimes I stand 1-2h if anyone pop up for a Bh..just sad.
  • Kywe - Harshlands
    Kywe - Harshlands Messages: 2
    Modifié (October 2012)
    Regerem a écrit: »
    Apparently the big majority of the player are favorable to keep a PvE server, but the question needed to be asked. Thank you for clarifying this.

    Make a Poll about it and people will vote. PvP or PvE or No Merge
  • SobeSoul - Momaganon
    SobeSoul - Momaganon Messages: 1
    Modifié (October 2012)
    Make a Poll about it and people will vote. PvP or PvE or No Merge

    I don't see why there needs to be a vote. Honestly everyone on the 2 servers DECIDED to play on PVE servers. So it should stay PVE. It would be different if one of the servers was PVP and the other PVE. But that's not the case.
  • Synta - Dreamweaver
    Synta - Dreamweaver Messages: 1
    Modifié (October 2012)
    So, bearing in mind that names are unique only to the server the character is on, how will name clashes be dealt with? That is, there would be instances of two characters with the same name, on the same server, if they merged.

    Or am I wrong about that, are names reserved across both servers?
  • ma1an
    ma1an Messages: 10
    Modifié (October 2012)
    servers share same database, there aren't chars with same names on this 2 servers...

    server merge should ve been done much much time ago, i heard some old players, that too bad even if merge happens, they lost interest into it cause they waited too long time
    Moreover you should make pressure to pwi for the summerwind tokens issue, get them with tokens or put them in boutique, since for the actual player base on eu servers, actual method to obtain those tokens is unaffordable for even just 1 character (on loth there aren't enough nirvana crystals for sale in whole server to just craft 1 summerwind token)
    factor players in lothranis waited this for really a lot of time and then quitted and went on 2wg
  • Miaw - Momaganon
    Miaw - Momaganon Messages: 1
    Modifié (October 2012)

    New players, new friends, new competition, new TW factions, new PKers, more questers, more farmers, more chat.... all good things!:D:D:D
  • ma1an
    ma1an Messages: 10
    Modifié (October 2012)
    is momaganon that dead? :D do you have full josd players?
  • lyrinx123
    lyrinx123 Messages: 2
    Modifié (November 2012)
    i have heard many rumours, so i have some questions :-
    do we defineately get to keep our characters as they are? coins/items/level etc?
    what about those who are married? i have heard they get divorced automatically and i dont think this is fair
    will we just lose the base or also lose the guild name?
    i vote pve purely because i find the pk area of archo to be full of children crying 'im better than you/ i hate ur guts'
  • Zanir - Lothranis
    Zanir - Lothranis Messages: 6
    Modifié (November 2012)
    lyrinx123 a écrit: »
    i have heard many rumours, so i have some questions :-
    do we defineately get to keep our characters as they are? coins/items/level etc?
    what about those who are married? i have heard they get divorced automatically and i dont think this is fair
    will we just lose the base or also lose the guild name?
    i vote pve purely because i find the pk area of archo to be full of children crying 'im better than you/ i hate ur guts'

    We'll be able to retain our characters with all gear, items, coins and level. I can't imagine they'd auto divorce your toon if they merged seeing as they've got the ability to basically clone your current toon to a new server. It would stand to reason that they would be able to keep that aspect intact as well.

    The only hitch they've run into so far is what to do with factions/bases and what type of server it should be.
  • lyrinx123
    lyrinx123 Messages: 2
    Modifié (November 2012)
    they have never allowed anyone to transfer toons/accounts across server before -why would they do it now? an old time gamer who was on the original european server has told me as much no transfer was 'possible' back then and no transfer was possible for him from sanctuary to mommagannon
  • Regerem
    Regerem Messages: 387 ✭✭✭
    Modifié (November 2012)
    Hey Back from the Paris Games Week,

    Sorry for the innactivity on the forum, but we have some sweet stuff coming for you guys, on the expansion level. Be sure to check the website tonight !

    Although we are still on the Server Merge topic the is no real news to communicate for the moment, just be patient :)

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