Server shut down on a Saturday?

Zanir - Lothranis
Zanir - Lothranis Messages: 6
Modifié (October 2012) dans General Discussion
Does anyone have any idea why they just shut the servers down randomly on a Saturday? As far as I can tell there are no posts anywhere in regards to it.
Post edited by Zanir - Lothranis on


  • Anubiah - Lothranis
    Anubiah - Lothranis Messages: 4
    Modifié (October 2012)
    the clocks go back by one hour at 2am on Sunday 28th October 2012, not sure if it's the reason or not
  • Zanir - Lothranis
    Zanir - Lothranis Messages: 6
    Modifié (October 2012)
    Is that a European thing? Daylight savings time doesn't start in the US until Nov 4th.

    That also doesn't make up for the total lack of warning on their part...
  • XMystiie - Lothranis
    XMystiie - Lothranis Messages: 1
    Modifié (October 2012)
    Why PWI dont write something for give us some informations ?!
  • bilbosa1982
    bilbosa1982 Messages: 19
    Modifié (October 2012)
    I'm in France and we have not had such information on the update server and I'm sad because I can not say hello to my many fan

    LoseF a little to make you wait until tomorrow;)

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