Content Update : Reflection

Regerem Messages: 387 ✭✭✭
Modifié (août 2012) dans Official Announcements
Hey all,

In the coming weeks, we'll be releasing a new content update for PWI that we've titled "Reflections". We're excited to bring it to you since it will add a lot of new features, from a new way to gain EXP (an actual new mechanic this time, not just new quests) to new daily and weekly quests, including a high level PVP event in Morai. It will also include various mechanic tweaks and bug fixes.

We'll also be making some major changes to Territory Wars, and that's what I wanted to talk about specifically in this post. These changes will be as follows:

1. Change bidding to use Ten Million Big Notes instead of Coins

The number of Big Notes that can be used for a bid will be from 1 to 99. This will effectively raise the minimum bid from 100k to 10,000,000. Maximum bid will effectively increase from 200,000,000 to 990,000,000.

Why the change?

As some of you know, the economy within the Chinese version of PW is vastly different from that of our version here. They made this change to fit more with their own server economies, and the change was applied to our version as well.

What will we do about it?

Since we feel that this change would be too drastic for our own version, we're taking some steps to adapt to it. We are currently working on a system for refunding 90% of your Territory Wars bid. The bidder will get this refund whether they win or lose their battle, and it will be sent out during the maintenance following the TW.

This change will effectively reduce the bidding range to 1,000,000 - 99,900,000 (once the refund is received).

In addition, since this TW bid change is pretty dramatic even with the refunding functionality in place, we'll be monitoring the situation, and we strongly encourage you to provide your feedback on the matter.

2. Number of Simultaneous Attacks on a single faction increased to seven from three.

Why the change?

This change was made to reduce the chance of a server monopoly and to increase competition in TW. Not all versions of PWI use the Seasonal TW system like we do (in fact I believe we're the only one), so it makes sense that more mechanisms would be put in place to guard against this.

What will we do about it?

Monitor the situation moving forward. Again, we encourage you to submit feedback either here on the forums in via Customer Service ticket.

3. Increase the strength, durability, and cost of base defenses in Territory Wars

Why the change?

To bring these defenses in-line with the increased power of characters over the last several updates.

What will we do about it?

Same as above: Monitor the situation moving forward. Again, we encourage you to submit feedback either here on the forums in via Customer Service ticket.

So, since some of these changes are pretty dramatic, we wanted to give a heads up a little beforehand so that people can start planning for them ahead of time.

We'd also love to hear what you think of these changes, and we'll forward all constructive feedback to the developers.

Thanks for your time!
-The PWI Team


  • Regerem
    Regerem Messages: 387 ✭✭✭
    Modifié (août 2012)
    Addendum :


    • Bidding change: The new bidding system for TW will no longer use coins but 10 Million Big Notes instead, which will largely prevent fake bidding.
    Players will be refunded 90% of the bid on maintenance day (Wednesday between 07:00 am to 10:00 am) in form of Ecstasy and Excitement cards.

    • Tower: The tower construction cost has been increased; it will now cost 500.000 per tower. The tower damage and range has been extended, therefore making them more effective and increasing the value of tactics.

    • Crystal: The HP and Defense of the Crystal is now double, it will requires multiples assault to get it down, therefor increasing the time of the Territory Wars.
    If you have any questions regarding the changes please feel free to ask them in our forums or ingame if you happen to stop by one of our GM’s.

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