Rest in Peace Gillium

_Ultima_ - Lothranis
_Ultima_ - Lothranis Messages: 51 ✭✭
Modifié (July 2012) dans General Discussion
Unfortunately yesterday a good Reign member passed away after having health issues and coma...
we knew him as Gillium, his real name was Gilles from St. Quentin... he used to be a project manager for a french fashion brand.
i have no words in front of the fragility of the human esistance... just shocked.

this wants to be a message of condolence to his best friend here,
we had great time and fun together

Rest in peace brother.
Post edited by _Ultima_ - Lothranis on


  • BlackCalla - Lothranis
    BlackCalla - Lothranis Messages: 1
    Modifié (July 2012)
    Rest in peace Gillium, you will be missed.
  • Nehia - Lothranis
    Nehia - Lothranis Messages: 17
    Modifié (July 2012)
    Il n'existe de mots qui soient vraiment réconfortants, mais toutes mes pensées vont à sa famille, ses proches, ses amis...

    Repose en paix.
  • Freezee - Lothranis
    Freezee - Lothranis Messages: 5
    Modifié (July 2012)
    My condolence to all his family and friends,

    Rest in peace Gillium
  • Skyless - Lothranis
    Skyless - Lothranis Messages: 2
    Modifié (July 2012)
    I didn't really know him, But this shocked me. I'm still in shock... Knowing that some1 as close and yet so far just passed from our world. It is a shock and I feel really bad for not having the chance to know him better....
    All I can say is bon courage to his family and friends.
    And Rest In Peace Gil. Maybe you'll enjoy that more than this world. And don't worry. At some point all of us we'll follow you there, and maybe we'll get to know each other ^^
  • Anubiah - Lothranis
    Anubiah - Lothranis Messages: 4
    Modifié (July 2012)
    my condolences to the family and to all his friends

    as someone said one day "A man dies when he's forgotten"
    as long as you keep him in your thoughts, he will be alive in your heart
  • _Lisanna_ - Lothranis
    _Lisanna_ - Lothranis Messages: 24
    Modifié (July 2012)
    My condolence to all his family and friends

    Rest in peace
  • Regerem
    Regerem Messages: 387 ✭✭✭
    Modifié (July 2012)
    My condolences to his family and friends, it's always tragic when someone is leaving before his time.

    Rest in peace Gillium.
  • KrystalAngel - Lothranis
    KrystalAngel - Lothranis Messages: 6
    Modifié (July 2012)
    Really sorry for this bad new . Then i hope all of my condolences for your family and friends

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