Official Introduction - with pics

thepoordude1 Messages: 5
Modifié (mars 2012) dans General Discussion
Hello guys,

Since we finally have an english section, thought it would be a good idea to introduce ourselves in this thread. Hopefully it gets stickied in time. This will be a good thing since we can all get to know each other since we hardly do in-game xD
Post a little about yourself and some pics if ya can. GO GO :D
Post edited by thepoordude1 on


  • Zanryu - Lothranis
    Zanryu - Lothranis Messages: 7
    Modifié (mars 2012)
    I'm Zanryu, been playing the game for over three years, and I love to spam world chat. And kill people. And get fashion. and ponies.

    Also I want bear smilies here...
  • Madame - Lothranis
    Madame - Lothranis Messages: 5
    Modifié (mars 2012)
    Hiiiii, i'm Niki :D I roam around Loth with a wittle nabby bubble gummed hair cleric named Madame <3 Hello frenchies ;D Let's be friends , ride ponies, and go into magical adventures :3
  • Razi - Lothranis
    Razi - Lothranis Messages: 4
    Modifié (mars 2012)
    Hello, I am Kiran. I used to play a seeker named Monsieur but then it got a permanent ban so i started playing a blademaster named Razi. Razi means "my secret". And lets wreck shet up.
  • Zanryu - Lothranis
    Zanryu - Lothranis Messages: 7
    Modifié (mars 2012)
    Hiiiii, i'm Niki :D I roam around Loth with a wittle nabby bubble gummed hair cleric named Madame <3 Hello frenchies ;D Let's be friends , ride ponies, and go into magical adventures :3

    I want to go on a magical adventure with you <3
  • Madame - Lothranis
    Madame - Lothranis Messages: 5
    Modifié (mars 2012)
    Hello, I am Kiran. I used to play a seeker named Monsieur but then it got a permanent ban so i started playing a blademaster named Razi. Razi means "my secret". And lets wreck shet up.

    Not so secret anymore...pft. ;O
    I want to go on a magical adventure with you <3

  • _beto_ - Raging Tide
    _beto_ - Raging Tide Messages: 8
    Modifié (mars 2012)
    hahaha why do i have the feeling that this gonna end in a trolls palace???
  • _Ultima_ - Lothranis
    _Ultima_ - Lothranis Messages: 51 ✭✭
    Modifié (mars 2012)
    do you wanna something to troll about?


    Uploaded with
  • eruliar
    eruliar Messages: 49 ✭✭
    Modifié (mars 2012)

  • _Ultima_ - Lothranis
    _Ultima_ - Lothranis Messages: 51 ✭✭
    Modifié (mars 2012)
    eruliar a écrit: »


    none of those is full r9 barb who is supposed to not be 2shotted by 3spark autoatks
  • Nomnomsugar - Lothranis
    Nomnomsugar - Lothranis Messages: 2
    Modifié (mars 2012)
    OH GAWD!

    Zanryu, stop running after mah Freezee :mad:
    She's getting her R9, I WANT HER TO KICK YOUR BUTT! >:D <3
  • Zanryu - Lothranis
    Zanryu - Lothranis Messages: 7
    Modifié (mars 2012)
    eruliar a écrit: »


    Damn... if only you were important enough for me to screenshot all the times I killed you that day

    And psh! By the time you get just the weapon I'll be full R9 and win anyway =D
  • Madame - Lothranis
    Madame - Lothranis Messages: 5
    Modifié (mars 2012)

    zan and i are kewler:cool:
  • Zanryu - Lothranis
    Zanryu - Lothranis Messages: 7
    Modifié (mars 2012)

    zan and i are kewler:cool:

    Oh Niki you so awesome

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