Server is pretty effed up

n05f3247u Messages: 2
Modifié (December 2011) dans Feedback et assistance
All instances are bugged and cant do them, teleports are HELL laggy, some skills when you use them it says invalid skill...

WHAT THE ************ are we supposed to do? log ingame to chat?
Post edited by n05f3247u on


  • _Ultima_ - Lothranis
    _Ultima_ - Lothranis Messages: 51 ✭✭
    Modifié (December 2011)
    and generally server is hell laggy even with OP computers
  • _beto_ - Raging Tide
    _beto_ - Raging Tide Messages: 8
    Modifié (December 2011)
    PLEASE any GM could be active (at least let us know something is being made)!!
    Also appreciate if someone can translate all those problems in french, tyvm
  • Isaramir - Lothranis
    Isaramir - Lothranis Messages: 259 ✭✭✭
    Modifié (December 2011)
    Also appreciate if someone can translate all those problems in french, tyvm

    Simple: Instances buguées, téléporteurs qui fonctionnent mal, compétences qui ne marchent pas toujours...
    Pour ma part c'est pour rentrer dans le QG de guilde que ca ***** et j'ai aussi un temps de fatigue de 7h quand je me connecte parfois
    Isaramir, Prêtre R8 - Elysium
  • freezeedamour
    freezeedamour Messages: 12
    Modifié (December 2011)
    Dear GMs,

    Please, fix this thing.
    Om Nom Nom.

    Is it polite enough?
  • _Ultima_ - Lothranis
    _Ultima_ - Lothranis Messages: 51 ✭✭
    Modifié (December 2011)
    +1 nomonomonmonm

    not even a single reply for ************'s sake i want my money back.
  • Menestho - Lothranis
    Menestho - Lothranis Messages: 18
    Modifié (December 2011)
    Toujours pas de réponses de la part du GM français...:mad:
    Menestho, aka. Vicky Trad (and nab sin)
  • condo2009
    condo2009 Messages: 24
    Modifié (December 2011)
    Wow, we get an answer on English forum to complain here lmao.
  • Regerem
    Regerem Messages: 387 ✭✭✭
    Modifié (December 2011)
    Hello to all,

    We are aware of the issue and are working with our technical department on a solution to fix it. We will keep you inform as soon as a solution is found.


    Bonjour à tous,

    Nous sommes conscient du problème et travaillons avec notre support technique sur un solution au problème. Nous vous tiendrons informés dés qu'une solution aura été trouvée.

  • TheKiNG - Lothranis
    TheKiNG - Lothranis Messages: 7
    Modifié (December 2011)
    Finaly someone alive to give us some feedback..
    So what will happen to the *2 event? We must have compensation for this.. We already lost 1 week of farming.. so that we should at the MINUMUM get back.. would be nice if you could add 1 or 2 weeks to that.. so we feel that we get something in return for this mess :cool:
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Messages: 4
    Modifié (December 2011)
    Nirvana, FC, TT, and the wedding chappel have all been bugged for a week now, along with certain quests not completing without relogging such as stealth potion cooldowns and entering OHT maps. Certain skills of Assassins, Blademasters, and Psychics are bugged and don't function at all in some cases. Even using apothecary items is glitchy at the moment, once you use one and the cooldown finishes you're unable to use anymore until you relog.

    All of these bugs have made this last week of 2x a waste because nobody has been able to efficiently farm anything, we need our server fixed and we need our 2x extended by however long it takes for it to be fixed. It's not fair that we should miss out on a 2x event because of whatever issues are messing up our server.
  • EnDeavor - Lothranis
    EnDeavor - Lothranis Messages: 8
    Modifié (December 2011)
    zan, you're on a deadloop :D

    While I agree on x2 prolongation, it's money that you can't farm. But there are plenty of ppl who really lost money due to those issues (wedding & tw anyone ?). I'm more worried than lost money rather than unability to farm.
  • EnDeavor - Lothranis
    EnDeavor - Lothranis Messages: 8
    Modifié (December 2011)
    So, dear Regerem, it required 6 days to post this ?
    This forum is VERY calm, there aren't any nerdrage around, no tons of complains, it's even polite, and we can't even have the privilege to have a CM/GM to handle community dialog in a decent delay ?

    And I though (previous company running pw for europe countries, aka pw-ms) was lame, but finally, it's absolutely the same.
    At the difference that they were 3 times cheaper than PWI.

    pwi,, same lame sh*t :mad:
  • _Ultima_ - Lothranis
    _Ultima_ - Lothranis Messages: 51 ✭✭
    Modifié (December 2011)
    Dear mod,

    i've lost around 40m for the wedding bug :(

    i hope you can get this fixed @ tomorrow's patch and compensate 2x.


    A 1500E cashshopper.
  • condo2009
    condo2009 Messages: 24
    Modifié (December 2011)
    mod has only posted 20 times in 4 months so you know he was told to come here and give the old same speech how they are working on it. i don't believe a word that was said.
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Messages: 4
    Modifié (December 2011)
    So, dear Regerem, it required 6 days to post this ?
    This forum is VERY calm, there aren't any nerdrage around, no tons of complains, it's even polite, and we can't even have the privilege to have a CM/GM to handle community dialog in a decent delay ?

    And I though (previous company running pw for europe countries, aka pw-ms) was lame, but finally, it's absolutely the same.
    At the difference that they were 3 times cheaper than PWI.

    pwi,, same lame sh*t :mad:

    And you're a double poster! >:O

    Buuuut I have to agree, would be nice to get word from the CM more often. And, you know... 2x compensation :P
  • EnDeavor - Lothranis
    EnDeavor - Lothranis Messages: 8
    Modifié (December 2011)
    And you're a double poster! >:O

    and proud to be \o/

    I became so boooored that I just retired for now :'(
  • condo2009
    condo2009 Messages: 24
    Modifié (December 2011)
    If it is hardware related, todays maintainence will not fix anything. So I don't expect it fixed yet.
  • TheKiNG - Lothranis
    TheKiNG - Lothranis Messages: 7
    Modifié (December 2011)
    Ehh hardware related.. Hmm have you tried turning it off and on again?
  • condo2009
    condo2009 Messages: 24
    Modifié (December 2011)
    I see we're still up and running on ver 593, while the update is 595 and bugged so east and west not up after 4 hrs. be prepared......
  • Menestho - Lothranis
    Menestho - Lothranis Messages: 18
    Modifié (December 2011)
    Haha les serveurs US toujours offline, et nous déjà ouverts....doit-on croire qu'il n'y a eu aucune maintenance sur notre serveur ?!
    Vu que Noël approche on peut toujours attendre pour que Lothranis soit réparé....
    ça dépasse le ridicule maintenant , continuez comme ça PWE, vous nous envoyez du rêve là *-*

    Merci et Joyeux Noël hein <3
    Menestho, aka. Vicky Trad (and nab sin)
  • _Ultima_ - Lothranis
    _Ultima_ - Lothranis Messages: 51 ✭✭
    Modifié (December 2011)
  • EnDeavor - Lothranis
    EnDeavor - Lothranis Messages: 8
    Modifié (December 2011)
    for those wondering, yeah nothing has been fixed :D

    cya pwi, will come take a look at new update when it will be out o/
    Until that, I'll flee from pwi like if it was a plague
  • freezeedamour
    freezeedamour Messages: 12
    Modifié (December 2011)
    Ça devient de plus en plus pathétique mes chers GMs.
    Je le sais bien que Lothranis est un serveur avec un très petit taux de population, mais nous avons le droit d'avoir les mêmes privilèges que tout autre serveur. Ce manque d'aide face aux problèmes, qui sont causés pas Vous et seulement Vous, est totalement insultant.

    Je ne joue plus vraiment à PWI, mais j'écris au nom de tous et toutes. En fait, je suis venue faire un petit tour l'autre jour. Voulant économiser le peu d'argent qu'il me reste, j'ai utilisé le Cube pour me rendre à Archosaure (Je ne savais pas encore tout à fait où étaient les bugs). Eh bien, j'étais incapable de sortir du Cube! Je me suis dit: <<OH MY GAWD what da F*** ?!>>Après une journée complète en étant hors ligne, je me suis reconnectée et j'ai pu finalement sortir de ce trou. ...Et bah voilà. Cool story Bro , hein? Oh et je suis sûre que vous tous, joueurs de Lothranis, vous avez une aussi belle histoire que moi à raconter!

    On ne vous demande pas un R9 gratuit pour tout le monde sur le serveur ou l'abolition du CS dans le jeu. Non non. On vous demande seulement de faire votre boulot , de corriger ces bugs et de bien vouloir nous donner un 2x drop pour le temps perdu. On demande pas la Lune hein.



    PS: Où sont mes bonhommes de neige!?!?

    Here are the English version of my text (sorry for my mistakes):

    It becomes more and more pathetic dear GMs. I know that Lothranis is a server with a low population rate, but we deserve the same privileges as any other server. This lack of help from You is totally insulting.

    I don't really play PWI since a few months ago, but I wrote this text for every players. In fact, I came on the server just to see what's going on and if there is something new. I wanted to save the small amount of money I have left, so I used the Cube to get to Archosaure ( I didn't know what were the bugs and where). Well, I was unable to leave the Cube! I was like : << OH MY GAWD what da F***?!>>. After a full day being offline, I reconnected and I could finally get out of this hole. So... That's it. Cool story Bro, huh? Oh and I'm sure a lot of players from Lothranis have beautiful stories to tell you like me!

    We do not ask for free R9 for everybody or the abolition of CS in the game. No no. We are only asking you to do your job, to resolve the bugs and give us a 2x drop rate for the time we lost. It is not that hard, no?

    Thanks you,

    PS: Where are my Snowmen!?!?
  • Proculous - Lothranis
    Proculous - Lothranis Messages: 3
    Modifié (December 2011)
    This situation is growing more and more intolerable with every passing day. How can an issue that arrived with 1 single patch take over a week to correct?

    Some information from the CM or a GM to shed some light on this would go a long way to reassuring the server population. Even if you can't provide a vague idea as to when the problem will be solved, how about letting us know simply that you are working on it and what kind of, if any, compensation we can expect when the problem finally is solved.

  • Proculous - Lothranis
    Proculous - Lothranis Messages: 3
    Modifié (December 2011)
    Another day passes, still no news from PWI as to the status of any potential fix.


    It is getting noticable by the day now that the server population is starting slowly die off on what is already an underpopulated community. Thats not good for those of us left, and its not good for PWI either.

    Having run a business in real life, it is impossible to imagine what the customer would have said if a problem lingered, unresolved for over a week and every possible method they made to get in touch were ignored. What kind of way is that to treat your customer? Do you expect them to continue to use your services?

    It shouldn't be too much to ask for just some communication from the GM's to know that they are working on the problem. An assurance it will be fixed soon, or an appology it might take more time... either would be preferable to stumbling around in the dark.


  • TheKiNG - Lothranis
    TheKiNG - Lothranis Messages: 7
    Modifié (December 2011)
    COME ON NOW:mad: give us some feedback.. WHAT IS HAPPENING!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Will we be refounded with extra *2? also TW bids? we who bid on lands lose the money cause defending faction has instant win! Will we be refounded for that? What will happen to all my friends that lost alot of money on weddings, and also never got to have there wedding cause of this bug? They have to at least be refounded in the coins they spent.. Its shamefull that you cant post every day or two to keep us at least aware of what the status is.. just a simple "nothing new, they still working on it" would be better then the insulting NOTHING thats going on atm.. Step up now, do your job. Report back daily to this thread to at least show us some respect..
  • Regerem
    Regerem Messages: 387 ✭✭✭
    Modifié (December 2011)
    basically we are still testing to find out were the issue is coming from and testing with our EU and US office, what we need from you is detailed report on what is happening exactly as it appear that the bug aren't always there.

    Please transmit the bug report to the Customer support, in FR and EN. Be as detailed as possible (if you can add screenshot it's even better).

    For now we can't give you any precise information on the time the problem might be solved.

    again, we are really sorry about it, we are doing everything we can and are studying compensations for the users.

    Nous cherchons toujours d’où peut provenir le problème, nos bureau Européen et américains travaillent communément sur une solution. Vous pouvez nous venir en aide en envoyant des rapports aussi détaillés que possible à notre service client (ou une liste aussi exhaustive que possible ici sur le forum).

    Pour le moment nous ne pouvons pas communiquer de date précise sur la résolution du problème.

    Une fois encore nous sommes vraiment concerné et tentons tout ce que nous pouvons, nous étudions les éventuelles compensations pour les utilisateurs.
  • Umbrela - Lothranis
    Umbrela - Lothranis Messages: 4
    Modifié (December 2011)
    Regerem a écrit: »
    Please transmit the bug report to the Customer support, in FR and EN. Be as detailed as possible (if you can add screenshot it's even better).

    done, in english. Hope it will help.

    Here is what I wrote, if anyone feel like completing it. I'm pretty sure I missed a lot of things.

    To summarize things : Time is broken.
    Right after the update, there was a trouble between server time and data time. It resulted in a 6-7 hours difference between what has been stored, and what is currently happening with server.

    Best examples

    * Instance entrance
    Instances like frost covered city and twilight temple have both a 5min re-enter policy. It means that once instance is resetted, you have 5 minutes before beeing able to re-enter. Since the update, that delay became 6 hours and 5 minutes.
    The only solution is to have, in group, someone that never entered the instance at the current day.

    Second problem with instances :
    Most instances have those system quests required to trigger events (such as door opening). Once again with the time issues, those quests are stuck in your quest log. The only current working solution is to delog-relog (opening the gate, 1st frost covered city quest, is the perfect example).

    Instancied maps :
    Chrono maps such as old heaven tears, unicorn forest, valley of scared, have those little teleportation quests. Once again, it can works once, but then you won't be able to teleport back. If the teleportation quest is on your quest log (and stuck), then you WON'T BE ABLE to use any teleport stone (the cash shop item).

    * Time based events
    Wedding ceremony : most of the wedding ceremonies doesn't work at all anymore. Before the update, I had 2 ceremonies where I was invited with correct times (one beeing at 15h30 gmt+1). After update, the wedding invitation was showing 22h30 instead of 15h30. We still went to the ceremony at 22h30, and the ceremony itself wasn't on listings anymore.

    Territorial wars : Probably due to those time based errors, the territorial wars instantly end up.
    We had to defend one land. Once the system message showed up, a 2nd message showed up saying we successfully defended the land (no one ever had time to teleport, it was almost instantly).

    About those event issues, especially for TW, I think that since there is that XXhours delay between system and data make the territorial wars timer triggering constantly the successfull defense. The maximum time for a territorial war is 3 hours. If we consider this 6 hours delay, then we can consider that the TW itself is already ended since 3 hours.

    * Hyper-XP
    Some ppl have weird issues with hyper stones. I had some friends activating a new fresh set of x12, they ended up with 7 hours of x12, and zero "fatigue" time. While some other NEVER used any kind of hyper exp and now have X hours of fatigue time.
    On forums, we can read that someone started an hyper session for the 1st time, and ended up only with fatigue time, and zero hyper time.

    *skills disable
    Randomly happen, on all class, all levels, impossible to find the real cause. Since there are probably a lot of checks for normal attack hack, zero cooldown hack, casting time hack, and most of those checks beeing time based (not on current time usually, but rather counting with millisec delays between 2 actions) it might explain this.
    At the end of the day, you can have half of your skills disabled (grayed) or triggering "invalid skill" system message.

    That's all I can think of, for now. I really suggest looking at what happened with server clock during the update.
  • TheKiNG - Lothranis
    TheKiNG - Lothranis Messages: 7
    Modifié (December 2011)
    OMG! you dont take us seriously do you? some bugs.. GET ON THE SERVER AND TEST YOURSELF!!!

    - u can enter 1 time in the 24/h server time.. works okey to enter.. Then sometimes first boss dont spawn.. We tried relogging with squad leader, and that works sometimes.. sometimes not.. so you stuck there.. lost 1 keys.. and nothing.. And if boss spawns.. you cant teleport to next hall, all in squad have to relog to get into second room... Then rest of teleport works..
    When you finished a run and want to go again: You get the nirvana talisman. but you dont get teleported into the first room.. so you stay outside with nirv rally stone in inventory.. Lost a key and get realy frustraded...

    FC, like last post said.. But you can relog after taking the quest to open..

    Same here.. after finishing 1 run you cant enter again, unless squad leader has not been inside tt that 24/h.. AND if you die in 3-3, then go back to town and go inside.. you cant use the tele platform.. you have to relog once again, and that kicks you inside.. Also in 2-2 i wanted to cross platform to Astral walker.. Dident work.. so i tried to reLog.. when i come back.. 5 sec after that i get teleported to the Exit of Heaven..

    You can bid on a land for TW, that works.. But when the TW starts.. Its INSTANT WIN for defending faction.. you cant even enter.. They just WIN..

    Random buggs.
    Skills grey out and cant be used.. and this is random as well, they just become grey and you cant use them.. Opened some lucky packs, got Mission already taken when i tried to open the 2nd pack...

    Do you start to see a pattern? Yes! its teleportation and quests that are glitched...

    FIX THIS NOW!!! Stop talking like this is random problems.. THE WHOLE server is broken.. its NOTHING RANDOM about that.. its BROKEN!!!!!

    This is so not funny any more.. ive been trying to keep a good spirit.. but this is getting me mad as hellz now.. Some random problems.. You have to be kidding me.. Log on to the server and test for yourself.. just ask in WC and im sure about 1000 ppl will GLADLY show you whats the problems are.. Send a ticket.. Stop that now.. ITS BROKEN, BROKEN and yeah.. you guessed it. ITS BROKEN!!

    </end Rage>
  • _Ultima_ - Lothranis
    _Ultima_ - Lothranis Messages: 51 ✭✭
    Modifié (December 2011)
    Fairy boxes doesn't work too

    Entering Lothranis map will 100% disable skills (tried and tested).

    Apothecary stuff sometimes randomly doesnt work too (happened to me and few others)

    We have problems getting into a squad you need 30+ invites

    Sometimes relogging to open fc door resolves in teleport to random location like abaddon...

    Cube doesnt let you go out (LOL)

    Faction base doesnt let you go out (LOL)

    All weddings screwed up (and i am one of the scammed grooms i want gold back for both 2 packs i bought)

    We have already posted all this in US site and they redirected to you afk masters...
    I opened a ticket to get a refund for my wedding and i got THE EFFIN WEDDING F.A.Q. POSTED AS A REPLY.
    meh,a triple zero cser, probably paid the bread you are eating so i demand a fast fix...

    and cmon i cant believe you dont have a before patch game version backup.... who cares about freaking snow.... give us back the f*cking game asap.

    btw 2 weeks to restore to previous game version will so freaking ridicolous tbh

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