Pirates Disband
Liandri - Lothranis
Messages: 7 ✭
Post edited by Liandri - Lothranis on
Bye bye Pirates
~ Nomnomsugar0 -
So bad ^^
You are a good player , at pleasure to see u in game0 -
Out of curiosity - why would a disbanded faction bid on a TW?
You lied Liandri. You lied on the website about telling faction that people could stay if they wanted to and you lied about disbanding.
As a previous Pirate, I can tell you that a number of us logged on one day and discovered we were factionless. I personally got an in game email from Liandri saying this was so because a number of people were going to be inactive.
Yet, they bid on land for TW.
- Salvation0 -
seeknfindme a écrit: »Out of curiosity - why would a disbanded faction bid on a TW?
You lied Liandri. You lied on the website about telling faction that people could stay if they wanted to and you lied about disbanding.
As a previous Pirate, I can tell you that a number of us logged on one day and discovered we were factionless. I personally got an in game email from Liandri saying this was so because a number of people were going to be inactive.
Yet, they bid on land for TW.
- Salvation
I just wrote a huge post and it timed out and didn't get to save it.. so I'm just going to narrow it down and bullet point it.
-Everyone was gone in the faction apart from your group.
-So i kicked you out as i don't think you'd want to stay in the faction on your own
-Only me naira domino and ambika are still in the faction (none of us play actively at all as you can probably see i have you on my friends list.. or obli)
-We bid on TW as a joke we didnt take it seriously.. but we won both TW's with 2 and 3 people as they couldn't kill me with a cleric on me.
-Sorry if you think this is 'suspicious' or anything but we hardly play the game any more & other guilds would suit you much better than an empty guild with 4 members.
I did it for your benefit, not for any other reason.
~Liandri0 -
lol omg, i needed a good laugh!
making decisions for someone else is not to their 'benefit'. honestly, i would have had a lot more respect for you if you had just owned up that what you did was bs instead of trying to justify it.
Enjoy the tw's, enjoy the 20 mil /week.0 -
seeknfindme a écrit: »lol omg, i needed a good laugh!
making decisions for someone else is not to their 'benefit'. honestly, i would have had a lot more respect for you if you had just owned up that what you did was bs instead of trying to justify it.
Enjoy the tw's, enjoy the 20 mil /week.
I don't need to justify anything.. if you want an invite back to faction and have a split of the 20m between 4 people you can, i really dont care you wont have nobody to speak to in faction but yourself.
& don't say 'Ohh its past the point of inviting me back blah blah blah' If you cared so much to say I'm bullsh!tting you'd take the offer.
Hell i'll even give you 10m if you want, i don't play the game anymore just bid for fun like i said.0
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