Help with charging zen?

pwfrenchpro Messages: 1
Modifié (juillet 2011) dans Discussion générale
Sorry for not speaking french but i need some help charging gold. It is not letting me charge because it says i need a character of level 10 or higher, i have a lvl 11 mage so far and was wondering why it has not updated yet after 30 minutes?? I would quite appreciate someone solving this problem so i can get my gold, thanks!!
Post edited by pwfrenchpro on


  • Ecatomb - Harshlands
    Ecatomb - Harshlands Messages: 219 ✭✭✭
    Modifié (juillet 2011)
    pwfrenchpro a écrit: »
    Sorry for not speaking french but i need some help charging gold. It is not letting me charge because it says i need a character of level 10 or higher, i have a lvl 11 mage so far and was wondering why it has not updated yet after 30 minutes?? I would quite appreciate someone solving this problem so i can get my gold, thanks!!
    I have no idea how to solve your problem.
    Post there:
    Maybe someone could help you.

    Or create a ticket to support:
  • Denadoro
    Denadoro Messages: 78 ✭✭
    Modifié (juillet 2011)

    do you have your account verified?

    Kind regards
  • X - Lothranis
    X - Lothranis Messages: 5
    Modifié (juillet 2011)
    I do now, but still the same thing is said :( - thank you for response!

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