Faction logos still not up

Nesh - Momaganon
Messages: 1 ✭
Title explains it pretty well.
It's now almost 2 months into the merge and faction logos are still not showing.
We players are very curious why it is taking and would also like to know when we can expect it to be fixed?
It's now almost 2 months into the merge and faction logos are still not showing.
We players are very curious why it is taking and would also like to know when we can expect it to be fixed?
Post edited by Nesh - Momaganon on
yes now the rains weep o'er his hall and not a soul to hear:eek:
12tslpb21morai server:
password: 12tslpb210 -
The missing factionicons have been added to the game again over the course of the last few weeks. If your faction however is still missing its icon, please have your factionleader re-submit the icon and it will be included during one of the next maintenances.
Thank you!0 -
CG management is a bit overloaded at the moment, so I'd prefer more reliable ways. This would also make them extremely limited.We already have an issue with our decal not being available to newer members, but only those who participated in the dangerous Bluestacks TextNow Photomath . Heck, even dedicated members missed it due to being away at the time.0
If your faction however is still missing its icon, please have your factionleader re-submit the icon and it will be included during one of the next maintenances.0
mon logo est apparu, qu'en est-il de vous? friv 20200
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