New title quests
Kathrina - Morai
Messages: 9 ✭
So we got new title quests, why then the message says there's no title quest here? (you can see this message almost everywhere I guess) Is it a bug in the description or there are no new title quests just the objects like the one in the Charmed Eye Lake?
Post edited by Kathrina - Morai on
I see very well what title you speak.
Since the update I have myself tried to find this title, but it seems whether it's a bug.
To see the bug, I would have a screen of the problem.
Thank you in advance.0 -
Hi Kathrina!
I am the main point of contact for Morai-related matters, FR client bugs and players who can't speak English, but my well-informed US colleagues are best qualified to address functionality bugs affecting the English client.
I will ask them about this issue when I talk to them this week, but better ask them directly to make sure you get a quick and accurate answer
Thank you for visiting the EU Forum. Have a very nice day!Enelimm
Community Manager
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Hi Enelimm and fenrirsama!
Thank you very much for the reply. Just to be precise I made screenshots with title quests.
As you can see in both screenshots the top title quest says there's no title quest in the area and it has N/A marking above it, though in the 1st screenshot there's a new seal in the area and I guess there should be some quest connected with it.0
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