Questionable r9r3 player
Messages: 3 ✭
About a week ago, I first noticed a new player on this server (not going to name them), but said player has full rank 9 recast gear, level 104, and no faction. Now the problem is that, on anybody with r9r3 gear, the armor and weapon will say "Manufactured by X" on the bottom, for this certain person, it says nothing. The person also went from having never been seen on the server before (by everybody I've spoken to) to a full rank 9 recast lvl104, within a days time. I'm not sure whether this is a GM or a Hacker, or if I am just overlooking it, but I've been wondering for a few days now about this person. Thank you.
Post edited by steakspoon on
Hi, I moved your thread over to the English section of the forum.
Also thanks for reporting this, I will signal it to Regerem and we will investigate if this player is or was using any kind of exploit.0 -
You are frustrated not to have him to recruit at your faction, of knocks take revenge to you in this way, I know it players, and I often play with him, and the cause of are equipment I think Of Gm must very well know why
I would not quote are so called on the forum, puts this person is one very old players, let us leave this kind of nobody which looks for no problem
Best Regards,
Lobang0 -
The fact that he has never been seen on the server or the highscores list before, and instantly becomes a level 104 with r9r3 gear manufactured by nobody is what makes it suspicious. It doesn't take a day to get 3billion experience and farm full r9r3 gear. The Highscores update daily and he went from not being ranked at all, to a level104 player within a day.0
Hello all,
We have looked into the matter and this longtime player had a major issue with his account. Our support offered this creation service as a one-time courtesy. His previous character no longer exists. This is the reason why there is no name on his gear and he leveled up so fast.
We apologize for the confusion, he is not a hacker nor a GM.
Regards,0 -
Hello Regerem
I'm sorry to bother you with that but what about Zebris, a Werefox who has reached level 105 for a week but was never shown as a level 104 nor 103 before?
Is (s)he a GM or is it the same kind of arrangement as for Rahiki?
I find his/her profile ( quite weird anyway0 -
I think that it does not strictly look at us, Regerem was clear in message not?
Why to persist....:rolleyes:0
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