PWI - Discussion on a server merge
they have never allowed anyone to transfer toons/accounts across server before -why would they do it now? an old time gamer who was on the original european server has told me as much no transfer was 'possible' back then and no transfer was possible for him from sanctuary to mommagannon
Not sure who told you this, and as a general rule this is true. But we got this information straight from Regerem. Try going back and re-reading the very first post he made in this thread. If you don't want to do that or are too lazy to do so then I'll just save you the time and copy/paste it for you...
"- The characters will keep everything: gears, levels, flyers, coins."
Further more...somebody claiming to be an "Old time gamer" because they started at the beginning of the European server doesn't mean much. The European servers have only been around for a couple of years. That's a long long time in the technology world and lots of things can happen in that period. So just because something wasn't possible then doesn't mean it isn't possible now. They've had the ability to clone/duplicate characters exactly for a while, take a look at the PW World Championship Tournament they did a while back (shortly after the European servers were introduced if I remember correctly). They were copying players characters over to the fight server, so it's definitely possible. Again though, nobody said we were transferring characters anywhere. They're planning to merge the servers together due to low population on both , they'd have to allow people to keep their gear/coins/level/etc or else they'd lose TONS of players (and thus income). Not sure how it is on Momagnon, but Lothranis has a ton of R9s (albeit, not all of them are the brightest bulbs in the package). People would throw a mega tantrum if all of that money got flushed away.0 -
A merge on the EU servers was always possible because they share the same database, where as Sanctuary and EU does not.0
As said before in this thread the smarter thing to do would be merge the two servers in another PvE server so ppl won't complain about changing! otherwise someone could quit because of it.0
I just got the confirmation that the Factions will not be deleted (keep everything like Base and such) and the weddings are safe too !0 -
This last bit of news would appear to solve the final few problems with the merger. I guess its now a matter of `when` rather than `if` it happens. As many have already said, a Pve server would be the best choice to keep the majority of players happy.
An expansion and server merge; xmas has come early to PWI:D0 -
I will create the survey very soon now that we have all the informations, and then we can move on with it (and again, this will take time, I'm never saying it enough).
I don't want you guys to think that one week after the survey, depending on the result, we are going to merge the server in a day ^^.
Thanks!0 -
I have a question about the upcoming merge.
I personally do not have this problem but just out of curiosity I thought I'd still ask.
As far as I know there is a limit to how many characters one can create on a single server. What would now happen if the sum of characters on these to be merged servers were to exceed this limit?0 -
It's pretty simple, basically they would still exist, you just won't be able to see all of them. The character selection screen can only display 8 of them. They will stay store and will only appear when another character is deleted.
So technicaly you can have more than 8 chars, but you cannot access them all until you make a selection.0 -
It's pretty simple, basically they would still exist, you just won't be able to see all of them. The character selection screen can only display 8 of them. They will stay store and will only appear when another character is deleted.
So technicaly you can have more than 8 chars, but you cannot access them all until you make a selection.
So if by chance our main character was one not displayed... then we would have to wait at least week before we could access it.
A little bm spirit! A little sage heart!0 -
Good point, I'm going to make sure that we are prioritizing the highest level character to appear in the display order if that's possible to do.
Thanks!0 -
And.. i'm back... a little at least..
I'm greatfull for the work Regerem has put down to this question, this shows me he/she/it really cares about the server and listend to the players back then.. Makes my heart all warm and fuzzy
Me and a few others started talking about 6 months ago :P
But back then it seemed to far away for me, close to impossible.. And i had already endured a few months of "dead" server.. So i moved on, to play some private servers with some of the old Reign ppl that followed.
But i missed my friends and came back to at least visit for a while after that nub repanzu keept nagging meBut reading this information gives me hope that i might even concider comming back in full "force"
And now alot of the oldies seems to be sniffing back in, ofc a few months behind on gear
but thats really np.. we are Reign, we are more familly then faction.. so we should catch up pretty fast..
But back to the topic, its GREAT GREAT news.. and the question about PvE vs PvP, is a though one ofc.. I'm a PvP focused player, but i understand ppls fear for PvP server, and its a valid one, but what i noticed on the PvP servers, was the factions grew even more into a family, if some evil persons PK:ed somebody questing or farming herbs, we would all jump in and defend that person.. So in that aspect i love the PvP server..
But if we going to make a pvp server, i would not mind if we up the lvl 30 pk, to lets say lvl 80-90 ish.. so ppl get decent gear and can at least defend them selfs somewhat.. forcing ppl in there lvl 30 into pk is pretty harsh imo.. And in my start of PWI i hated pk and all that.. But at the end-lvls, pk is pretty much all there is to do..
Also, in lvl 80-90ish, not that much need to run around in maps, you mostly teleport into instances.. So its not that hard to stay away from pk..
But if most ppl wants a PvE server, so be iti wont mind.. as long as we get a EU server, i think this will attract even more new players as well..
This survey, how will ppl get that? will you mail all registered accounts on the french/german server i hope? Also put up some sys message that ppl need to check mailsso we dont just ask the "forum ppl", but im sure this question is uncalled for, just wanted to know :P
none of my characters on the German server have a stash account, all mine on the French do. After a merge and they're on the same server will all have stash available?0
Hey BoomBastic !
Nice to see you back and that's great news if some old-timers are thinking to come back to the game. That's definitively a good point for the server merge topic.
This survey, how will ppl get that? will you mail all registered accounts on the french/german server i hope? Also put up some sys message that ppl need to check mails so we dont just ask the "forum ppl", but im sure this question is uncalled for, just wanted to know :P
Well I will use SurveyMonkey, so it will be via emails yes. We are going to target all the actual users, and people that played PWI at least in 2012. This way we are going to reach a lot of ppl and maybe also make aware others that drop the game in the past year.0 -
If this is true, this merge ill come back to the game, any new news on that?0
Yes sorry I've been super buzzy lately, I'm less ingame but I'm not forgetting you. I finally have everything I need for the survey, so if it's not this week that I'm sending it, it will be the next one.
So the discussion is still on and close to be finalize.0 -
about the merge thing and our chars
would they automatically go to new server or we need to regist them (when the time comes) on website and check mail (like when register in a forum and need to check mail to get accepted)?
ty in advance0 -
Hey.. Pls give us a status update on this subject. What's done? What is left to do? And is there any planed due date? Also, what happend to the pk vs pve server survey?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
I saw today my account has a stash on the German and French server each. If the merge goes thru and each stash is full it would mean 12 items will disappear since it cannot hold more than that. How is that going to work?0
go go , server merge0
Survey is finally avaible here : SURVEY0
keep it pve0
the merge will be next Wednesday?0
I hope its PvP, so i can create a char there0
WizAly - Lothranis a écrit: »keep it pve
Please, no. PvP please.0 -
Zanryu - Lothranis a écrit: »Please, no. PvP please.
Approve pvp too.
Zan can kill noob later
Lobang0 -
Click here for a compact overview.0
Just don't do it PVP, please!
PVP in this game is broken beyond repair. I don't want that lvl100+ comes and kill me while I'm still lvl40 doing quests. :mad:0 -
If they changed it to PvP, 90% of both servers would quit instantly so it will never end up pvp.0
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