Bots -Taking action

Regerem Messages: 387 ✭✭✭
Modifié (janvier 2013) dans Official Announcements
Hello all,

Lately it came to my attention that the number of issues with bots are rising inside the game. This practice is forbiden and we are increasing our efforts to prevent it.

Being caught botting will be severely punished by permanently banning your account. You have been warned.

I encourage you to contact the Support directly, add the name of the character you suspect and some screenshots to your mail. The previous link is leading you directly to the FR Support and I did it on purpose: GM Varistras will personally take care of the investigation. So just write to him in EN via the FR support.

WARNING: The purpose of this topic is NOT to name botting users (in this or any other thread). If any post is going to do so, it will be deleted.

Thank you for your attention !

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