CONTEST : Sirens of War Screenshot !

Regerem Messages: 387 ✭✭✭
Modifié (novembre 2012) dans Official Announcements
Hey all,

Now that Sirens of War is live we are going to give you the occasion to win extra prices by having fun while discovering the Nations War! The Idea is really simple: take the most epic battle screenshot that you can while fighting for a territory during the Nation War!

This Contest will only last for this weekend: from the 16th of November to the 18th of November 23:59!

Nations Wars are taking place on Friday the 16th at 20:20 to 22:20 and Sunday the 18th 20:20 to 22:20.

Rules of the contest:

- While in Nation War take a screenshot of a battle scene, try to include the maximum amount of fighters in the screenshot.
- You MUST use the “F9” function to take the screenshot; no HUD should be visible in it.
- We will pick in priority screenshot with the highest quality possible, so turn up your graphics!
- You cannot use any software to modify the screenshot (photoshop and similar).
- We will only pick one winning screenshot per winner, but you can submit more than one: up to 5 per participation.
- We will select 3 winners per servers: 3 on Lothranis and 3 on Momaganon.
- Once you have selected the screenshots you want to submit (they should be store in Perfect World International FR\element\screenshots) send them to this email addresses:
- Your email need to be named like this [PWI: Sirens of War Contest] and include also your Character name and your Account name (inside the mail, not necessary on the title).
- You must send us the image by the 18th of November 23:59.

Rewards of the event:

- The winning Screenshot will be used in our PR and send to the press to present the game!
- You will receive an event Card Demon/Sage on the character you mention in the email.

Make the ground shake!

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