yoona2 Arc User


  • omg i really hate when other ppl in my squad says, u need to bb here at fb 69>,< and i am like no squad heal is enough. They dont think of that when u bb u get knocked out of ur bb -.- . i think cleric know a bit more what heal to use since, we are playing the chars and not u b:shocked
  • umm btw i have seen veno doing gamma runs without herc, and they did just fine, full run. So it isnt a MUst to have herc at rb gamma runs.
  • hey great guide. But u said never cast a bramble on a cleric, it may be right, but at bosses like drum or soulbansiher the reflect help a bit on the cleric, cus it reflect some of the dmg, and by the time u guys have killed the boss the bramble has faded away. So u should def bramble the cleric at the drum and sb boss:)
  • nice build tw :) btw when i clicked on the photobuck links it said the file was gone. could u pls fix it >,<? If u are able too:)