My god you want some cheese with that wine? you knew what was going on BEFORE you entered Closed Beta now they give a perk and you freak out
See if this works for the folder that is all I have
no problem I'm uploading the rest of the mp3's that were in that folder that was not in this version as well I'll post the link when I'm done ( 1/2 way right now )
I'll start uploading all the ones I have
haha not really just was wondering about that song and why it was taken out. I understand some don't like it and some do. Myself I got used to hearing it play thats why I miss it. Personally I'd love to add my own but in time it will happen.
Try this
Give me a few I'll upload it somewhere for you:D
Yes, I am and I found a thread about it under (joke) Petition located waaaay under all the other threads
Well they shouldn't have taken it out :( was a great opening song ::snif:: at least I can play it from the desktop then