vristion Arc User



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  • Get it, its your second most hard hitting skill... And if you are having problems beating the charm, you need to adjust your combos to fit..
  • Given the facts on a PvP issue, I highly doubt the seeker would win, even with the BMs OP gears.. why? 1) seekers have been out for what a month? and a couple a weeks at most? Most "skilled players" take months on a class to learn, the perks, the glicthes, and what skill works best on par with what other class, and then…
  • hmmm, ok only thing I got out of all the irrelevent post was some dumb *** actually DID sit there and try to tank a tripple spark....thanks for answereing my question.. On a side note, in the old PvP pwi world, a tripple spark win wasn't somthing to brag about...oh how the times have changed b:surrender
  • A simple fix would have been to give seekers a 79 skill/buff that detects sins, and do away with that semi useless self heal spell... seeker could then well..seek out sins...
  • My seeker got 30 kills in two TWs.... must have found somthing usefull out of em.. That B gate rush in enemy base with a chain of VERY fast AoEs is quite deadly actually... Plus they are pretty hard to kill..
  • I made a 5.0 101 sin in 5 weeks, 5 only because I had a few business days out of town... Your point?
  • Your are right.... But since you want to use a "real" assassin as part of your argument. A real assassin would have to plan out his attack with the most precise meassures to prevent the smallest of flaws.. Which could mean days-weeks-months of planning... So if we were to make these assassins as "real" as your argument,…
  • "You're level 96, how do you know anything about endgame Sins in PK/PvE? " Wait...am i missing somthing here? There is a magical place people that are engame goto? People of ALL levels deal with engame sins if they are part of a TW faction, or on a PvP server...wth
  • "A sage Seeker could had never pked that barb because they dont have enough int." You mean to tell me someone actually sat there and let you demon spark on them? I mean I am asking because if you just mean you won because you had some decent base -int, a sage can wear the same gear ijs... But if the dumbass actually sat…
  • They should include a fully geared 5aps sin in packs. really no brains or traning needed to play those.
  • Alot of these game may be useing the same freelance artist, and selecting from his/her acrchive... http://www.keithparkinson.com/gallery.php?icid=3 *removed*
  • Lol...I read this as.. "It sucks because Its a skill that requires effort"
  • Try it with a pure DPH squads... Not quite as fast, but pretty efficient..
  • think talking about the mystic one?
  • Ive liked the skill in moments that it lives up to its name... Several times in TW ive ran into a GROUP of people, to set up vortex on them, and have several attacks from all direction, with genie, crabs, and charm, all on CD, this has saved my butt, to live another round of charm, and crabs atleast.
  • heh, on that boss I would just hold f1 down (IH hotkey) and click party member after party member...(in the party box) After the AoE everyone's HP includeing the barb just ticks its way back up....
  • Is a good skill to use in a Mass PK area, the double hit is nice in PvE, but in 1v1, id never try useing against some classes, namely stun classes.
  • Actually for pole/nob i like to CC quid, and just do some straight up DD... I did all my BH69s with just my cleric on auto piolot.. And would quid the debuffs right back to em... I do that now on full FC runs on that debuffing bosses.
  • Vortex would cost you alot if you sit in a constant spin, say in a PQ zhen... but in later levels, say in FC, or other instance where you could pull many at once, it is your forte...well all of you AoEs are.. But for an average FC or BH, i could go the entire day and never tick my charm, as long as I use mana food. which i…
  • Omg! robbing the cradle are we! tsk tsk
  • They just need to throw r-9 back in the boutique and leave it there... The short burst of sales has already unbalanced all servers across the board.. TWs on PvE servers are ridiculous, a faction with just a small handfull of r-9s can dominate an entire force of numbers... PvP servers...nothing need be said. They took away…
  • http://i996.photobucket.com/albums/af85/thevrist/skillz.jpg
  • awwww the memories of still being a 9x cleric.. when it was still some fun, /retired-rerolled
    in Clerics Comment by April 2011
  • boobies bar
  • Not until you get into endgame, and spend hours upon hours sitting in west with nothing to do will you start to develope closer relations with co gamers.. Seems its fast paced world below 90....now days. pre BHs, FCs etc, there was a time people could pick up where they left off after a day or two of not gaming, and still…
  • Attacks the enemies within 8.4 meters to the target, and deals base Physical damage, plus 270% of weapon damage, plus 2204.2. Use on a target with the Spirit Bore status to deal massive Metal damage and reduce the target's Attack and Defense level. Is better to one shot AA/LAs with.
  • "we lack immunity to negative effects " CC quid pro---unlimited
  • Think thread was made pre-seeker/mystic.. was somewhat of a necro too
  • Really need someone to make a fraps of a pro -low end- FC run done by a seeker... I still see people have doubt of the seeker in this instance...
  • There are ALOT a seeker -could- do in FCs... However as of now people are still stuck in the same traditional makeup of how they were ran prior... You basically show up and pew-pew some AoEs on pulls... At bosses use soulsver/gemini stance for the debuffss... and debuff according to what class is in your squad..
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