it can't Be sold or traded no matter on what stated it is.. no matter if ur quest list is full IT CANT FREAKING BE TRADED SOLD OR SENT >....... stop with this Freaking BUll sht..
YES, Frost Will be closed for good with the expansion. Have a good night. b:bye
It's only Nature working to fix your friend. Because when you are such an idiot, that's the only way you will learn a lesson. Sadly.
- [COLOR=""]People Shut the hell up... You all will stop complaining at some point - Servers are still full of happy 'players' and xmas is coming DamniT!! PWI needs money for the gifts . Please understand[/COLOR].
- I'd rather burn those 4.5k Dollars to keep me warm, than exchange them for a few kb of data in who knows where the hell server.. - Crazy Bs..
- It's Free to play as ever... BUT .. please define 'play' ..
That's exactly why I bothered to make a PSY and a Sin .. I didnt just sit on my lame lazy wizard's butt expecting to own the new classes..
-- Go play in a Freaking PVP server.. How dare you assume what lvl 90+ people need Or Dont need .. BS to the extreme.. 1- Theres a reazon why I've choosen a PVE server to play. 2- If i wanted to go around killing fat kids in a game , I would go and dust off my CoD Dvd's and kill those idiots Using REAL game aiming skills ,…
HAhahahahahaha........................ Hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaahahaha............. Human mind is amazing!!.. AmaZINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG... ::: both ways :::
- that happened cuz u also Deleted the veno.. things don't just dissapear from a hardrive.
It only takes an Idiot, to Gamble that much against a company that has 98% chance of wining versus your 2% .. hahaha .. This is like the amusement park sometimes. b:victory
-- Typical USA BRATS Beheavior .. When someone gives you a gift ( even if it's from this crappy company) you dont push it.. you dont Push it.. have at least a bit of humility , you bunch of craying useless foks..
-- That might be slightly true but , ANYway.. I just talked to my sister and her Friend into NOT buying the herc they 've been planing to because , they wanted to mainly farm tt' . But since the TT is now for (already) rich/high lvl people they realize theres no point in buying those hercs..
- The answer is Freaking Obvious.. Rich People Dont like Poor People in their Business. CAnt get any more Clear.
--- OH WELL . .. CONGRATS To the idiot who Brought this Thread up to the attention of the greedy minds of the administrators... Talk about been a dumbass..
-- Maybe it's only me but.. This information leaves a weird taste .. hum a strange taste .... oh yeah taste more or less like the taste of a big pile of........ bs ?
- It's amazing how many people download a Game and start playing it without the most tiny knowledge about it, Every game has Forums , if they would bother to check the information out , this kind of stuff wouldnt happen. OH they well deserve their missery.
-- It's actually a Brain Disease Called : Wrong Server.
[QUOTE= still wearing TT90s equipments and some aren't level 100 yet. [/QUOTE] If I had tt90 armor, Why would I go kill the GBA boss For?
Maybe The First months of life of a game could cause this kind of severe addiction, but Been the game as old as it is and as bad as It got over the years, This 'addiction' of yours is just bs .. you gotta be kidding.. Any way if for any sick reazon your telling the truth just play it till you get unconcious, dont eat dont…
-- The owners of this **** (Forums / Game) , are far far from perfect Beens so dont base anything on their rules or beliefs ,.. ok? b:bye
In this Case a Faction Maker (Leader) can kick members as he/she pleases and for whatever reazon, not liking butter included.. It's a game.. You know , ahhhhh lets ............. not be so stupid. :)
i dont understand why people keeps Seriously complaining in these forums, even taking so much time to write all those walls of text, dont you think 2 years is enuff to realize that it's totally worthless ? I dont get it .. only advise is dont waste your time here, and play the game untill you really feel that you can't…
what's the point again for been 104 ? oh yeah 5 more points to distribute. Grats I guess .. haha!! lame bs.. b:bye
as every single thing in this planet, the reazon is MONEY .
-- Wise!! :)
- the effort was good.. But It's still pretty imposible to do, and most importantly , THERES NO freaking reazon for this boss or the others for the lvl range specified to beheave like Hittler - So on the back of that.. no thanks! **** 3x TT b:bye
wow! Great example of selfishness , Why the heck would you care if people levels up to 100 or not ? gotta love these kind americans.
- wow, we seriously need somebody to trow a bone ingame to all those old cranky lvl 100+ Dogs of PW so they have something to do.. LOL . seriously make their lifes worthliving again.. or.. anything that stops them from barking in the forums. b:victory just.. anything..