valorien Arc User


  • I'm a cleric. I dealt with it. Yea I wanted to go faster but I dealt with it. Now (lvl 87) I run at 5.3 with gear. I'm faster than some of my archer and BM friends. You think you run slow? You do, get over it. Someone has to be the slowest. Leave Cleric the way it is. LOL what am I saying of course you will. Does anyone…
  • I see it being useful against bosses in TT and such. Anyone know the Damage Per Second (DPS) a cleric does with Thunderball > Cyclone > Plume > Cyclone versus just Plume > Cyclone > etc.
  • I'm 70+ and have purify level 1. It has been a minor inconvenience in the worst scenarios and totally irrelevant in the best scenarios. So... yea. I agree with what RedsRose said. I'd say try to push 45Vit by lvl 60 and adjust as you see fit. Twilight Temple is where you're going to find out if your Vit is high enough if…
  • First of all killing an archer is nothing to be proud of. No offense archers, you're just not that difficult vs clerics. Second, in my previous post I said I had around 2500 hp. That's base, not buffed. So everyone complaining about 1-3's can settle down. Soulbanisher sucks no matter what your hp is. Luckily, I don't need…
  • He didn't say he would have 6k hp. And you wouldn't need that much. At level 70+ I have 50 Vit and I've never been bothered. I just socketed my TT 70 gear with HP stones but I almost wish I had gone with phys def instead. No TT I've run have I run into a boss that I need to be in AOE range, that can 1-hit me. I've got…
  • I had the same problem. It didn't say anywhere that once in Trade-State the genie couldn't be leveled. This is extremely misleading. Anyway, it instantly switches back to no-trade so it isn't a huge issue but PWI needs to make the text clearly state this.
  • bump I'd love to see something like this: but for genie skills. Anything similar exist yet?
  • right but did it's growth change or is it still 50?
  • bump this theory.
  • I am wondering the same thing. This is clearly an important part of the genie and there is an extreme lack of information surrounding it.
    in Growth Comment by valorien May 2009
  • Someone said there are only 8 skills but the picture they posted shows tons of skills. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
    in Genie FAQ Comment by valorien April 2009
  • I agree. A sex-change option would be great. I'm fine with the random off-color comments I get for having a female character. It was also fine when I only knew a few people, but now that I'm in a faction I have to frequently correct people who refer to me as a girl. I hadn't thought of that at creation and wish I could…
  • I felt like levels 30-40 were slow, but maybe that was just in contrast to how fast 1-20 was. Using charms will allow you to level much faster as you won't have to worry about rest time which is going to be the one thing that will make soloing after level 30 much more difficult.
  • clerics can be slow to level in the lower levels. Around lvl 40 give or take it becomes easier as your skills become more powerful and you use them in combos. This also reduces overall cost as you can begin to effectively kite enemies the higher level you are. I can kill mobs 3 levels lower than me without ever taking dmg…
  • That's a really good point.
  • The reason it matters at all is because your level 99 weapon depends on which weapon you pick as your level 60. So knowing your 99 let's you know what level 60 weapon to pick up. I would have to pick between Sacredevil and Broken Dream. The Crit bonus of Sacredevil doesn't impress me, but the Mag. Atk increases both damage…