ulfrun Arc User


  • i played PW a while and quit, got tired i guess, but i here about this Expansion through an email and i got to say i want to try the Assassian something new at first i thought it was live in game but from reading here i see its not in yet,anyway im dling the client so i can update with the new expancion when it is here cya…
  • i agree and im not voting eather
  • you took the words right out of my mouth with that one
  • i updated mine and it stoped about half way for a min or so and i went outside and when i got bk it had finished and now im at v5 cya in game
  • hmm i dont see how ppl can make such posts about things nobody is 100% sure about yet, i no it seems like it will be a lot for zen but we dont know that till the admins say and fyi there is a way to get zen through the auction house with in game money but im going to wait till i know the prices b4 i start complaining , as…
  • ok thx for that bit of info but what are the time zones of the events in GMT, on the servers anyway, my friend lives in EST and he was in game for the arena event that was spose to be before and after the terr war on saterday he must have stayed up tp 12:00pm and didnt find any event but the GMs might not be runing the…
  • the stats i looked at were the ones required for the armor, and my other post was a bit confusing srry about that but as u said thay may have been fixed in version 4 it was today after the update when i looked
  • hmm i went and tested the stat difference for the grade 6 magic armor between the MY/EN and this version and i didnt see any difference in points maby tell what grade armor it is that u saw
  • but he also said (" Do keep in mind that all of your current progress and characters will be wiped at the end of the Closed beta period so enjoy this experience while you can. But fear not, with the launch of the Open beta all characters, stats and data are permanent components of your account for as long as you choose to…
  • my ping is 94 ms in both servers and im in the usa, but a lot better than 300 to 400 in MY anyway lol
  • after u launching the game where the patcher is maby try hitting verify, i dono if that would work but it might possibly just an idea it prob dosent have anything to do with it just trying to think
  • my falt, i didnt read all posts, i see now that its not a prob of getting it to work but its the patch thats not working the above is for getting the client to run in some vista versions srry bout that all i can think of atm is just to let the GMs figger it out for now
  • to the ones runing Vista, try runing the perfect world client in the windows xp compatablity mode or running as administrator ive hade problems runing the client and that worked for me hope this helps
  • this might be a bug when was level 3 i got that icon to repair the weapon, when i did the icon didnt go away still says i need to fix the weapon but in my inv it says its fully repaired
  • ok thx for the info
  • i agree with jamsan, (thay prob will not release a large content upgrade before the game is full out of the gate though) as he said, after all this is CB a testing phase, but in OB if everything goes well thay mignt release some small patches/updates, im just asuming i dont know
  • i used flashget to get the downloader but its dling through the PW downloader bout 25 min now and 625 kb/s now but i usaly can download at 800kb to 1.2Mb/sec as vyron said
  • i got the direct downloader and it is dling at 600+kb/s for me, willl tale about 1 hour
  • thx Ark glad to be in Unlimited and yes ill be an Archer this time around but i will give that info on guild forums to
  • thx for the info i reged as Ulfrun
  • ide like to join if posible, i read the intro and i like what i see