tsuki13 Arc User


  • I don't think its your computers doing it, like i said this happened before in jade dysnasty...mines doing it and i don't think i have ATI card. i don't think they are just twiddling there thumbs and ignoring this problem. they have other glitches and bugs to deal with like the Hair problem and stuff. I know it maybe…
  • this exact same thing happened in JD when Ascention came out (personal victim) so its not really new...lets hope they fix the problem sooner than later this time since they should know what to do about it....then throw in that its an entirely differnt game and stuff....but unfortunalty there is nothing we can do about it…
    in Problem Comment by tsuki13 December 2009
  • ah this exact same thing happened in Jade Dynasty when their Expantion pack came out, the new capital was flashy and glitchy. there really isn't much you can do. you'll have to wait until they fix the glitch, since this happened in JD they Should be able to know what to do and get it fixed faster....like I said…
  • weird im already lvl 21 and it won't work...should i try for 22?