trevtimusprime Arc User


  • I introduced CQ to Monopoly, Trend setter. What, what!
  • I hope so, I need a new game to spend money on.
  • I like this analogy, I approve.
  • You're quite pale and your eyebrows sort of look like caterpillars. Aside from those 2 things you look very normal, I approve of this.
  • You people will be having this exact same discussion a year from now, when the game is "dying" even more so than this time last year and the year before last.
  • Only ****ing way to do it
  • Just shy over 12, but that's irrelevant, I never said that I myself spent less than 1k, I just said nearly half did on Roses list. You'd be surprised how much of the gear some of the people on that list was farmed and not bought.
  • That's actually wrong, either the last one or the one before last that I actually attended lasted 25 minutes, because I showed up 15 minutes late and the war was still going on lol I am willing to bet between 40-50% of the people on that TW list haven't spent more than 1 grand in this game. So, you're argument is kind of…
  • In all fairness, the TWs we had with Kami lasted every bit as long as the ones you've been having with Essence for the past month or 2. But That's an entirely different conversation. .. Also.... HI SPEC I LOVE YOU
  • >Implying I have not done TWs with TC and destroyed Yakuza, or done several TWs against Kami I've been hit by Asiris, I've been hit by Yali, Ignation damaged etc in pvp and tw. I'm well aware of how TW works even with blessings, and contrary to your belief, I def still have it despite being 4 levels lower than you omfg.…
  • Wadizo, I have almost 31k hp and 8k mdef There is a reason I was put there. Actually I'm 98 Haters gonna hate. b:victory
  • Unless you're 5.0 with good gear or have well over 30k hp I wouldn't be too confident
  • I could do 2 I've done it before in TW I wish we had better Eps on the server though =/
  • Yeah, As Rose said, Ehee HAS been on the list. Christ people l2read. Also, I agree with Ignation being good he's hit me for the most since I came back in my pvp squabbles. Can my EP be in since we need them, he has a Warsong belt now and 8k hp unbuffed!
  • Honest opinion. He times his potting and domain horribly, He drops ultis way too early in pvp, does a poor job of kiting out in sticky situations etc. Spec has ( or had) So very good EP's Archers, Bms and 2 or 3 wbs. Spec was never a quality mage guild. I could go on
  • Nice troll, except you listed Wadizo.. not believable anymore Also get that FateCrusher guy, his gear was semi balling and I know he is 5.0 bmwith lots of hp + axes
  • Clearly no one is going to agree on a top 80. Lol.
  • But are they +10? I would beg to differ, I seem to do more than quite more than alright for myself, I don't think def lvl 2 shards are a bad idea(if that's indeed what you're using) But Hp I believe is all around more useful when using the vit stones since each stones gives a minimal amount of pdef and mdef.
  • That is some of the WORST logic I have ever seen You don't like Nupayne who clearly has @ least done TWs and despite what you said, is decent enough @ tw to actually make it into a top 80 (same with Viet), yet you're wanting to put in people like X and phirefly who has never pkd more than what 4 or 5 days in their whole…
  • If Yali and Asiris are on the list imo, we should put all 3 of pcs chars as well. Also, Pippins has really good gear, I'd vote her in as a wf
  • Um, I saw Nupayne the other day, and Transcend is semi active on our Essence forums, I'm not entirely sure about in game. I understand you think Xuan is horrible but with a server v server We would have plenty of DD coverage where he would be plenty useful esp with his gear and bow. I've learned bad people become less bad…
  • CuteLilDemon, that list actually looks worse than OP's. IJS.
  • I wouldn't say quit as just not bothering to log in for 6 or 7 months. However, I'd so go to a serverVserver TW
  • I think you left out Venos: ElektraArya Archers: Xuanbac, Vietxtcguy, Nupayne, Transcend Mages: Adroit Sin: Svvagger Idk about any of the other classes, I don't log in enough
  • I understand your point about def shards, but imo... if you have a +10 cube neck and Warsong mdef belt.. you're def going to soak up the majority if hard hitters you'd run into anyhow... ijs :3 No need for all the def shards then esp when you have over 30k hp b:victory
  • The only things I've done pve wise worth mentioning. Never done GV with a hiero. I solo'd Belial without claws, just me and my trusty Pan Gu axe from anni packs <3 Although I did get full buffs before I started since I didn't help clear the HH up to that point.
  • Does he have 30k yet!
  • I have 24,560 in Stand up. I'm also demon, not that affects Human form @ all.
  • I could easily get up and walk away from pwi despite the obscene amount of money I've spent here.. It's just a game, if you're not having fun, you shouldn't be playing it regardless of how much $$$ you've invested.
  • Sorbik was full int with literally 3k hp in water gear when we all did fish, I hope to god you could one shot him.