tiene Arc User


  • Here's a better SS of it in TW level 2. http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y213/vuduy/Perfect%20World/tw2boss1.jpg
    in Strange Mob Comment by tiene August 2008
  • That's the final boss of TW level 2. The one that is surrounded by 5 other bosses. Must be some kind of bug for it to be on the world map.
    in Strange Mob Comment by tiene August 2008
  • This is why other company gives some rewards at the end of CB so that it encourages people to play till the end of CB. From now till the end of CB, there will be only 2 kinds of players you come across with: 1. Those from some guilds continue to play to recruit more people in their guild 2. Those are new to the game or new…
  • The reward that is most fair for a CB tester who reaches level 30 or higher is to be able to reserve his/her character's name.
  • Umm... you do realize that the company said that things will be wiped after CB before the server goes live. This is nothing new that you just found out. Everyone who plays the CB knows that the character will be wiped; why do you whine about this? The reason for the wipe after CB is very simple; sometimes there are…
  • Nah, the real reason why the CB was changed to 1 week is because they have enough players for load test (stress test). Every game must go through CB to make sure the server is capable to handle the load (high number of players online at same time). The original plan was 1 month because it might take longer for the game to…
  • they need to fix guild slogan fast... can't put spaces... that sucks. and guld ranks... bleh
  • This is a very poor way to collect bug reports. The reason is that you will get hundreds (if not thousands) of the same bugs reported. There should be a forum thread to compile all the bugs to avoid repeated posts.
  • I sitll don't understand how you guys see those prices as rip-off when we don't even know what's the exchange rate for ZEN <-> USD. Until they put up a price for ZEN, we cannot say that those prices are rip off. If ZEN <-> USD = 1 to 1 and those prices stay, then I'm moving on to Runes of Magic.
  • There are the dragon balls that guarantees 100% success in refining gears. A weapon +5 almost double the damage of +0. An armor +5 gives lots of HP bonus compared to armor +0. These are the items that will off-balance the game for paid customers and non-paid.
  • I'm not saying that it has to be the same... it has to MAKE SENSE. What the heck is a director, marshal, executor? director = company business? marshal = police? executor = executioner? executive? again business? comissioner = ??? Use common words please, words that make sense for the players. Especially use words that is…
  • If you think the stat names translation is weird, then wait till you see the translation for the guild ranks. Now that is just beyond lame. Have a look at this thread http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=20071
  • You cannot say it's a rip off, until you know what the price exchange for ZEN <-> USD. If it's 1 to 1, then yes, it is a big rip off... if it's 1 ZEN = 10 cent USD then it's not so bad :)
  • Fashion, rides and mounts are there, you just have to click on the right tab. If ZEN price is similar to Cubits price then the current item mall is WAY overpriced. I hope the ZEN price will be cheaper to offset the difference.
  • monkeybone is angelica?
  • A guild that expects its members to be "very active" is not a "perfect guild" for casual players. For a hardcore player, then yes. For most casual players, playing MMORPG is supposed to be a hobby, and fun. It is not another job.
  • It's best to try out various guilds already advertised here. In the end, you have to join one to see for yourself. One's "perfect guild" might not be the same for another person. One thing that I do notice from my experience though is that the more a guild "self-proclaim" itself, the less likely it is to be true. So, best…
  • My patching keeps getting hang every 2 min or so. There must be A LOTTTTTTTTT of people trying to patch. I wonder what the lag will be like in game.
  • Nope, there's a teleportation quest around level 5ish where you have to teleport to other race's city. So yes, you can meet up with other newbies; however each race has area specific quests from level 1-19; so you won't be able to do quests together with your newbie friends from other race.
  • Although the server opens at 2am my time, and I'll be asleep and can't play; I'd still have to say Kudos to this company for opening the server RIGHT ON TIME as scheduled. This is a very important thing; if you can't stay on schedule, you have no credibitlity; and I think this company is doing great. Since the company…
  • Woah so many pages to just compare your "sizes". A successful guild is not measured by just its size and/or average levels. Smaller guilds can also be successful if they are respected as a whole (server perspective).
  • So many pages yet the #1 most important reason why people play CB is not mentioned. #1: To find and recruit the community for potential strong and dedicated guild members so that when OB starts, they have a big head start. In fact, all people who came from PW-MY plays this CB for this and only this reason. They all know…
  • Welcome, please feel free to create an account on our forum at http://destiny.mo-rpg.com It is email-activated. You can get to know all of us more in the Introduction threads.