tenj#7625 Arc User


  • Ayano is coming back???
  • your opinion is cool and all but do u think dan got this far by needing non faction ppl to tell him how to lead his faction? he has a back bone and doesnt need to be told what to do when u can maintain a faction the same multitude of 200 that he can, then maybe u can understand
  • because i've just been going off of what i heard from rumors much like yourself.
  • regicide rose up from the bottom of the food chain and slowly worked its way up by staying firm to their values. i'm guessing ur from legendary or something, a lot of their left over non core members are just disgruntled and want regi to fall, but u know if it hadnt been for them distracting nef, you wudve been wiped you…
  • lol... Nef completed it months after Leg, Reg, and Dreaming but gz for your first time. I'd almost be embarrassed if I were you. xD You guys like to believe you were the only ones to beat it since you're clearly the best in the server after all. b:chuckle It only takes a 90+ squad and 6+ hours of nothing better to do. xD
  • LOLWUT? R U Seriouz? That says a lot about the previous Nef Leaders/members who were caught doing so.
    in Imo Comment by tenj#7625 September 2009
  • I'm interested to see a 1v1 Just Reg V Leg. Don't think they've had one of those yet...
  • Sanctuary TW is becoming interesting again.
  • Having fun is good, but I thought it was against the rules to bid if you have no real intention of winning. Enelysion's constant overbid of Legendary makes questions arise. I'm not sure what this is supposed to accomplish except block a legitimate attack?
  • Courtesy of their fake bidding. b:bye
  • Looks pretty green to me, what are you talking about?
  • I like it when people have hard core evidence regarding what Nef does, they turn around and say we're stereotyping. If you don't want to be criticized, then I suggest you stop while you're ahead. First of all, if you're c0cky enough to post threats and harass people in public for everyone to see, and are comfortable with…
  • I'm starting to have doubts of believing anything that comes out of your mouth. After watching that video that your Marshal posted, it sort of validates why it is Nef's fault no one can stand up to them. Is the public harassment and trash talk of opposing guilds in TW and on your forums necessary? Thanks for the good…
  • Looool! Thanks for almost making me spit my coffee all over the screen. That's the same sad excuse Nef members come up with upon joining them every time. They'll say it's not their fault no one can compete with them. Frankly, it's the sore losers of TW that flock to one faction because their minds are too weak to handle a…
  • Lmfao. Is this some sort of joke that Nef low-lifes give as reason to joining them? The only way you can get long TWs is if two or more factions are at near equal strength on the battlefield and it becomes a deadlock. I don't know how the hell anyone can gain TW insight through the TW experience of steamrolling factions in…
  • 70s can't really compete with 90s lol. I wasn't surprised they lost in 5 minutes.