2008 called, they want their trolls back. ...Unless you really do think that video is the best ever. It's pretty cool, I guess. That one dude does a backflip.
tl;dr Needs more cowbell.
Walk around the store with a big boombox on your shoulder playing "NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP" at full volume. Do some cheesy dance moves and lip-sync the words with heavy emotion. Prance around the store with a big boombox on your shoulder playing "LIVIN' IN THE SUNLIGHT, LOVIN' IN THE MOONLIGHT" at full volume. Skip through…
I'd high-five the creators of both.
As soon as I realize that I'm dreaming, I wake up :C But I do remember one time where I didn't. And, of course, I immediately surrounded myself with hot chicks. Then a few minutes later something else woke me up before anything sexy happened!
False. I'm the King of Candy Mountain... Charlie...! The next person's answer will not be true.
fang And I'm not checking 36 pages for repeats...!
The zombie GMs attacked
I prefer cookies because they're more versatile. Throw some in a bag and eat them anywhere! But pie, you need a plate and a fork... who has time for that?
That music video is frickin' awesome hot, but the best is this: Neverending stooOorryyyyyyyyy OooOoOOoOooh
"its all gon b k" Words to live by!
tent -> vent
Wondering why I'm still awake. I just decided to go to sleep now. Good night.
He needs a handlebar mustache for sure.
****. O_O
*claps* I like it.
Explosions in the Sky
5/10 I don't know what it is or how to pronounce it.
You will need something with dedicated graphics. If you get one with nVidia, make sure the second digit in its name is at least 6 (exampie 9600M). I'm not sure how ATI numbers things, but for nVidia, anything less than an *600 will suck. Also since just about every laptop has Vista now, make sure it can run DirectX 10.…