If demon barbs knew they were going to change all of it to make Sage better they would have never went demon.. <--- sweetname lvl 101 demon barb I went demon due to better att in tiger form now sage has same damage wtf????
lol any ideal when pwi will fix it?
the temp fix works but how do u duel client with it?
That's not true the book to login was messing up my computer that was PWI fault not mine.
ty that fixed the problem. But is there anyway to due client with it?
hey sorry clicked the wrong 3 its working great now ty :)
I tried it & DOs mode popped up with this D:\PWI_v580_Installer\Perfect World Entertainment\Perfect World International\el ement>"D:\3DAnalyze.exe" /EXE=D:\PWI_v580_Installer\Perfect World Entertainment\ Perfect World International\element\elementclient.exe
when will maintenance be done in game time?
its 3:19am my time. what time will it be up at my time?