robzombie20 Arc User


  • it;s like a pc, keep the pc in good condition and the pc wil lalways work for you, if you abuse it and let it go in disrepair and mess it up ...well the pc isnt going to do u any favors then will it?
  • one guild I was used a method to gain clerics and you could use it for barbs as well. Becuase clerics were so rare we got 5 good volunteers to make a cleric alt and make a main i nthe guild, later on we;d get more clerics if we needed. you would have to teach new clerics how to use their cleric though which makes it a…
  • they look like wings to me, infact they resemble a similar design of the dark lord and some elf style wings...did I say elf wings instead of fins? well thats what they look like
  • ur post and sig makes so much sense, a few of the reason I deleted my cleric was too many idiots who demanded buffs and didnt even wait for me to be ready and then blame me for their loss(i am sorry clerics are so useless without mp, blame the devolepers). soon enough after 40+ lvls I deleted my cleric with frustation and…
  • i'm alitle surprised at the lack of attention to this thread, guess not a whole lot mind getting cookie cutter mounts and conviencing them selves the new mount is so new when it's a repaint/modded mount
  • ikr? it's a annoying thing this is
  • lol yeah, see all the options that any other class would get and it doesnt work on barb, i'd like to actauly change my eye size but I can only chage my eye color and mass, really kinda of a jip seeing as u throw all thsoe fancy custiomization options and surprise! they dont work on barb......
  • if u come just close enough and at the right height and angle u can kinda this is referring to underwater embracing
  • nice creativity but not many will want a unicorn like that, specailly if it's followed by a rainbow and is rainbow colored
  • this sounds almost like DFO lead by (fail) nexon. such a thing would ruin fashion for much of the pwi players
  • I like the music of Rob Zombie
  • I had a wiz once, quit her at lvl 20 about. I couldn't kill anything alone very easy and could only heal myself with potions which makes u spend alot unless ur a cash shoper and charm your wiz making it hard on those who don't cash shop. plus I hate being stuck on the ground for 30 lvls. that is why I went to cleric, can…
  • Just pm me how to start my own thread, i'm kinda new to this whole forum thing here
  • I don't know if this has been considered before but maybe a big broadsword like this would be a good addition to the BM weaponry as they do use heavy weapons and this would look cool if it was put on the back of the BMs back this is just a example, the character here is Guts or Gatts off Berserk