ribonuclear Arc User


  • I agree with Cervantia's second point-- what really made the game for me when I began was getting a faction. Don't just pick the first empty, inactive one that invites you, either; look on the world chat for adverts, for one, because if the leader cares enough to be using up teles over his or her faction then probably…
  • Heh, really? My philosophy's that if you're going to be staring at a pixellated **** all day, it might as well be one you like looking at! I started with a veno, and I have to say that while it's very easy to play and quite fast, it gets very boring. There is the upside that there's plenty of money-making opportunity from…
  • What they said-- check that the owner's not wandering around being aggro'd somewhere first, especially if it's a weapon or clothing item. You seem a nice person, and not at all as though you'd be so rude (please don't take it that way), but if they ask for it back it's common courtesy to just drop it and apologise. Never,…
  • This is an in-game option to stop clients lagging up in crowded places like towns. Above your status bars will be three squareish black/green buttons to the left of the rectangular optimised settings button; click on the middle one, and it will switch this option off.
  • ^Went to Malakuku looking for true love. While he was there, he found that a tortoise had eaten all his luggage. He was forced to run naked through the streets of the town in order to buy new clothes. While doing so, he ran into his true love, who threw him aside, the b***h, thinking he was a loony. He was forced to pick…
  • 60.2kb/s? Oo, ouch. Downloaders always tend to work a bit slower than they say at first. It's possible that if your download is that slow, though, that you simply don't have enough bandwidth. Try closing down all browser windows, stopping all processes that require bandwidth (including things like AIM, Skype, Windows Live,…
  • It's a really good idea, except that factions such as my own have a lot of low-level members in it. We help them as much as we can, but it opens up chances for exploitation if a faction hiding away a load of high-level fighters gets the chance to run round indiscriminately picking off the weak to get points when normally…
  • I've got Vista and 1GB of RAM too. :< Try turning off all higher-quality settings; in towns, angle your camera to look straight down on you and zoom in a bit, and if it's still so slow try defragmenting your hard drive and running Ad-Aware or similar to limit out the possibility of malware slowing you down. You can also go…
  • Ad-Aware's own mods have said it's a false positive that the Anniversary edition picks up before the new update. Sorry to waste time, mods, hope this can be deleted as soon as possible.