It wouldn't go with the storyline I believe.
I see your point. There are ways around it, but sadly they are too difficult that these people would want to do them ::sigh::. I wonder if anything will even change during the beta at all, besides a few quest changes here and there, or a name or two. I personaly think nothing is going to change cept a few texts and names.…
I am not sure what you are saying. Yes you would have quests at three different areas that you could do. And it would be up to the player if they wanted to go to different towns and do different quests. But I am not saying they should change the quests, keep the same quests, just make them open for everyone, and if you are…
That is a good idea, and we have done that before. But just thought I would make the suggestion in here. I'm not to sure how that would change the story at all. You can say you are a new warrior that just left home, but what if you are an adventerouse warrior that wants to get as far away from home as you can? If you want…
That's not the point. It sure takes me more then a couple of days to level up to 20. But the fact of how fast you can get to 20 is not the point of this subject, it is doing quests together at lower levels. So what is the harm in letting people do the same quests from 1-20? If you can do them at 20+, what's the harm in…
Ok, so don't change the quest story line at all, just let other races do them. How would it damage the story line if an elfpriest wanted to help the human tailor get some thread in Etherblade? And they can go ahead and keep the class quests in the same cities. But they don't have to change the quests or anything, just let…
That's not the point. (I don't think it is possible to do that, but it is not the point of this subject). The point is that we should be able to do the same quests at different race's starting areas so that we can level up together and get exp from the quests and do the quests together, to socialize and have fun.
I think that the suggestion is to make the potions heal you all at once, instead of a heal over time. Not to make them have no cool down at all.
It might not take you a long time to get to 20, but when you only have a limited time to play each day, and it takes you a couple weeks to get to 20, and you want to play with someone that isn't the same race, because you like a diffrent class, it is very annoying not to be able to do the same quests as them. Yes I know I…