

  • Yes, I do. PvP is the only redeemable factor of perfect world, and it's all that's talked about when advertising the game. That, and its customization.
  • "Why on earth" would you want to use a line-aoe, chi-less stun with a debuff pole? Or an attack with a far distance? I would think conserving chi and still stunning someone would be ideal. Nobody uses glacial in pvp anymore unless dragon's are on cooldown, and even then, it's probably better to conserve chi. You use a…
  • How cute! No, archers don't lack attack. No, you don't need to debuff to kill someone. No, it doesn't take 2,000 attacks to proc the debuff. What are you, sage? b:chuckle
  • A few things. 1. A minimalistic appearance would be far, far more appealing(both website and client). Sometimes a list of things looks better than a dozen large images thrown onto a grey background. Posting a visible YouTube video, front and center, screams amateur to me. The Guides button is useless, too: most of its…
  • why are people from other servers commenting on a thread about prices from lost city? base r9 goes for 1,513 gold off-sale, 50% off on sale. summerwinds in lost city average about 41m if you buy all the uncannies/raps yourself. you'd be wise to farm your own eoo/eod. so, it's a lot of money.
  • On the topic of font, does anyone have the one used earlier in the expansion?
  • Unless you're botting, this is more of a hindrance than a bonus. In many cases, having either marrow activated is more dangerous than having neither. I might even consider having a shorter duration(or the ability to cancel the buff) on them just to get back to that neutral state sooner.
  • Specifically for lost city? Warriors. Current world chat(04:25): U: LFM BH GV2. NEED EP BARB SEEK SIN OR AOE DD!! PM U CLASS+WEAP! V: need archer or psy or mystic or seeker for bh gv 2 squad ready W: Last spot for bm or barb full gv pm me weap X: BH GV2 NEED SEEKER OR STRONG AOE DD, PM ME! Y: BH GV2 NEED EP/AOE DD, PM ME!…
  • Okay. I'm ready for the defensive-ness that's sure to follow. That was a mouth-full. I'm not sure of the correlation between your ISP and your personal email, unless you actually use that junk email your ISP offers you? I figured people stopped that when AOL went out of style. Awkward grammar != understanding. I understand…
  • You have two skills that reduce damage taken and reflect the damage you would've taken if you had no defense. That, and if you're dark and proc ironwood, any physical class will 1-shot themselves. You also have a skill that makes you immune to damage, an anti-stun/purify, potentially the highest run speed, 1 1/2 stuns, 2…
  • I imagine all bosses sound like underage Japanese school girls. That, or extremely gothic white kids.
  • I highly doubt it. You make obviously incorrect claims that leads me to believe you never played back then. I've certainly never seen your name before, and I frequented forums from across several different versions. It wasn't "removed", it was simply unfinished ideas. Most maps that are unused do not even have physical…
  • Clearly, you haven't the slightest idea. Sounds like you either come from private servers and have an obscure idea of how the game use to be, you were fed a lot of bull**** by some "friend", or you're just talking out your ***. In official perfect world(even during the chinese closed beta in 2005), the level cap was never…
  • Hello! First of all, critical hit rate caps at 95%. This 95% has been achievable since before you knew about perfect world. Just before the update, 70%+ base critical was very possible(with spammable +10% skills). The difference between 70%(or 80%) chance and 95% chance is barely noticeable in field-test. Having seen your…
  • ITT: I'm no longer 110% immune to stuns, OP. In purify threads: Stop whining noobs, L2P, nonfactor, purify isn't OP. silly pwi players As for this argument that OP skills shouldn't exist in the first place, sure, I agree. It's funny that only after the melee classes get something of equal power to purify(arguably, I'd…
  • What in this game is even worth botting? What monster can you kill that you can somehow make 10m/night(or, more specifically, until your weapon breaks while you're asleep)? I sorta doubt these numbers. As far as I know, DQ items aren't common enough, nor are they worth enough, to make these numbers feasible.
  • I don't think the client uses a server to render the game for you, OP. That's expensive and impractical.
    in Graphics? Comment by prof January 2014
  • Why do you insist on calling warriors "bms"? They're clearly not blademasters, seekers are. Any who, let's run down a list of reasons why this class isn't as numerous as others: 1. WRs are melee a) it is inherently more difficult to play a melee class than it is to stand 30+ meters from your targets b) being melee, in…
    in BM on LC Comment by prof January 2014
  • It can't be.. is that my-en font from 1.3? Hot diggity dog.
  • is it just me, or are the numbers provided in the op inaccurate? any who: any respectable pvper would never use a r8 ring. sure, it gives more attack than a lot of low-end rings, but it cannot be refined. LGI - Ornament is very cheap now, and that ring offers more mdef than the g15 nv helm/cape combo. it also gives…
  • what the **** am i reading @OP: i'm thinking router firewall, try dmz'ing and see if it's stable; if it is, you may have to look for updated or custom firmware.
  • you're immune to damage for 10 seconds, just kill the campers
  • the id's for this new g10 gem and the normal g10 gem are different. there would have to be two different crafting options for each g10 gem in order to upgrade to g11. currently, there is only one crafting option; thus, it is not able to be upgraded.
  • they are untradable, unstashable and cannot be combined into g11 gems. the extent of their use is a cheap alternative to g9 hp that takes significantly longer to obtain, or you could sell "sharding service".
  • you wont see very many until the golden snake pack comes out b:shutup
  • In your server, maybe. EoD are 1.6-1.8m in lost and are very hard to sell. Ancient tinder is 500-750k, assuming you can sell it. It's more profitable to do any other bh than lunar. b:bye
  • y'all disgust me. "rare end-game helm", "hard to obtain". opening packs endlessly is not a difficulty. why shouldn't there be? we had multiple capes on the first day.
  • Stupid glitchy forum wont let me quote. Sage archer is only relevant 1v1 against other archers.
  • >holy stone barrier found your problem
  • by upgrading r8r into r9 b:bye
    in New Instance? Comment by prof July 2013