I do not know how they can solve, What will they do with the bills that have 8 characters on both servers? I have 8 characters on a server and the other 3. I can not lose any (because the use of them face the code), because I like them and I need the support of you. Similarly they will use the database of codes to put on…
'-' so.. more 2 years to we get the orbs? .-. why u guys just dont create one code for get the orbs and send for the email for we can get it? much more faster and much more easy >.<
Servers r back and 0 Orbs sended '-' It's so hard just send it ?
Sweetiebot, what's the server status now?
Sweetiebot, what's the server status?
Sweetiebot, please open 500 Anniversary pack Sweetiebot, please open 500 Anniversary pack Sweetiebot, please open 500 Anniversary pack
Sweetiebot, please open 500 Anniversary pack Sweetiebot, please open 500 Anniversary pack
sweetiebot, please open 500 Anniversary pack sweetiebot, please open 500 Anniversary pack
Sweetiebot, please open 500 Anniversary pack
Sweetiebot, what is the server status?
SweetieBot how much time left for server back online?
SweetieBot can you tell me how much time left for server back online?
sweetiebot, please open 200 Anniversary pack
sweetiebot, please open 250 Dragon's Fire pack
Well, till now i dont get any orbs..
Sweetiebot, please open 10000 Joy Scroll for me.
I see a kinda ppl saying the morai exp pill dont be able to use beacuse is lvl 95+.. but the gear is 100+ and we will can use because de lvl will be record in the sistem, so.. this lvl record is just for gear? we can't use things if we aren't in lvl to use?
yeah i see all the post but dont show how we do for send photos to participe :S have any email? or topic to send pics? thanks!