You could always just pretend to be me, since I live in the U.S. and don't care about the contest and don't want the prize. ;) But on topic, this contest just seem's like a waist of time imo.
I don't see how these options are any different, most people would see them as giving you the exact same result at the end of your transaction. Either way you would get 3x as much for the same amount of money... Feel free to explain if you'd like, but if they lower the prices on Zen, increase the amount of Zen you gain for…
Yeah, I always save Little Daisy Quests till I have nothing left to do and need a few bonus exp, they are rather annoying and make you run way out of your way to kill rather dumb mobs, but thats just my opinion and way of doing things. You're free to experament and do them whenever you'd like =]
look at the top left of your screen above your HP bar, play with the right most 3 options, one of them enables and disables the ability to view other players names. (I think its the middle one but I am not sure)
1. The yellow bar is your Chi bar, used for skills after level 9 (I don't know what class you are but for a Wizard it is the 3 elemental shield skills) 2. The saftey lock temporarily locks your equipment when you log into the game, only way to take it off is to wait for the timer to countdown and then reset the time to 1…
They overload until about 40+ then they wither out until 50+ when you start having to "grind" for real amounts of exp (multiple hours on the same mob to level up, not just 20 or 30 minutes)
I voted to lower the prices on charm, and clothing. The reason for this is I feel the rest of the prices of the Cash Shop, other than the wedding packs (those really need to be cut in half), are a decent price. I believe with cheaper charms it will alow people to exp as they wish and enjoy the game to the fullest extent in…
From what I can read this is a problem with the East Asian Language Pack, install it from the Microsoft website or from your Windows CD and it should fix your problem.
It will only tell you it transfered it to whichever server it transfered it to, if you think it messed up, send an e-mail to customer support and see if they can help you out some how.
The files you requested: Patcher Folder in .Zip Format 714KB Patcher Folder in .Rar Format 621KB wasn't sure if you would have winrar or if everyone has it, so I uploaded it in both formats.
What level are you? and why don't you instead make a new account and spend the time getting your levels back? Just a suggestion. =]
I am sure there will be many more events during the beta period and after. =] Events are fun and a great way to keep people happy.
If you would like I can upload my PWI\Patcher folder as well as any other files when I get home from work (about an hour or so, plus time to upload them) and pm you links and you can try it. I have premium rapidshare account and filefront account, and megaupload if you prefer one or the other let me know and I will upload…
lol darthpanda =] naris, remember this is a beta and they need to find out exactially how many people they should allow on one server at once, so durring big events they know how much it can handle so it doesn't crash. That way they know when to start adding new servers, and this is probably the best way for them to do…
Try manualy patching. At the bottom of the page I posted an alternate link to the patch.\ if the first one doesnt work.
If it doesn't work, please post here what you did and any other information you think might help, I check these forums quite frequently, and while I am not apart of the PWE Staff, that also gives me the freedom to bend some of the rules a bit more freely to help you. ;)
It extracted an installer to C:/Users/<your name>/Documents/Downloads
All of the servers are Hosted in California (Pacific Standard Time GMT-8) But since it is Daylight Savings Time right now it is acutlaly Pacific Daylight Time GMT-7. Hope that helps.
=] I am sure they are working on it, and with all the information from the community I am sure it will turn out just fine. Remember this is Open Beta, which means the game is not fully released and can't be expected to be "perfect" just yet. =] Anyways, good luck and happy gaming.
If you are using the direct download, try pausing and unpausing it, that seemed to help me a while back when i downloaded it. Or you could try downloading it in parts, which should go prety fast. Or try the torrent, not sure about the speeds on this tho.
I sent you a PM, please check it. =]
Thanks darthpanda, also if my links are against the rules please let me know and I will take the file off of Filefront and remove the links, or you can remove the links for me.
I don't think there is a readme file. Not sure I always uncheck that option. xD
It would appear your connection to the server is not very good for some reason. I am not sure on how you would fix this but the cause is a bad connection to the server. Where are you located?
Click them, right click there picture and click Player Information, that will give you a window showing all of the items they have eqquiped, find the one with the highest level requirement and you can bet they are at or slightly above that level.
There is no Beginners Guide yet, sorry to say.
Yes it does, I was testing this earlier on my Ubuntu box (shhh I promise I wasn't trying to multi-box ;))
What are your pc spec's and what settings do you have the game set on? You can adjust your graphic settings ingame and from the Settings button on the launcher.
Try this link. I downloaded and re-uploaded the manual patch in .zip format for anyone without winrar or 7-zip. This should work and is hosted on filefront. Manual Patch
The challenge is getting to the max level, 105 takes something like a year and a half of time spent ingame. There is quite a challenge at higher levels, and the game gets more enjoyable the further you get in it, from my personal experience that is. BTW You're calling me lazy and you're the one complaning about having to…