kenlee Arc User


  • Oh, people still play this crappy game? Old names still around xD
    in Quiting Comment by kenlee April 2012
  • No everything you described is the same as A**n warrior. like 80% of FW content is found in A**n too.
  • some are actually 2 shots xD
  • every server has sins with g15/r8/+12/whatever, one server has one with warsoul xD so what he has over others is the lvl
  • wth? hercs are awful tanks, everyone at lvl 100 can steal aggro from it if they want plus is very limited in tanking... like fb99 and so on
  • its called... we lack original ideas so there you go
    in Pwi 2012 Comment by kenlee October 2010
  • everything is speculation... have to get used to that till they release all these new classes. now sins can see other sins... i guess 2 more classes seeing them wont be that much of a threat to them... if that will ever be implemented as a new skill im more interesting in minor details, if they change some existing skills…
    in Pwi 2012 Comment by kenlee October 2010
  • oh wow, you call that a fun war... for real?
  • buy gold 485k, sell gold over 500k... interesting since 1 week ago the gold was about 330k
    in Lol Comment by kenlee October 2010
  • do you know what drives ppl mad? the fact that i dont respond back when i get messages like this ingame. the fact that you dont even remember this makes me think that you do this every time someones kills you... lol mad ppl
    in Lol Comment by kenlee October 2010
  • that was the whole convo, i rarely talk to raging kids plus you went offline just about 1 sec later after you typed that. hidden profile? who cares, not like my mains are on this account... this happened to be from LC times and didnt bother much with multiples profiles
    in Lol Comment by kenlee October 2010
  • if evasion would work in pvp in this game would be nice but almost any class can make your evasion zero...
  • whats this nonsense? only use bramble on fox venos and true form barbs... i have to lol do you also bramble trueform bm's or fishform? if you would have read the guide, there is said lure the mobs with a suicidal and fast pet... and recommended a ranged one. scrolls? scrolls are to rez yourself like is said in that guide.…
  • i used bramble rage and bramble hood on myself for so long time and i think it didnt really generate agro... i mean my pet has only buffs as skills and has no problem taking the mobs away quick
  • lol... such big words from someone that seek revenge on someone that cant kill better press O and spend some time there, maybe will help you getting better
    in Lol Comment by kenlee October 2010
  • its less than 1.6% since there are +2% more crits to take into account and usually more than 450 dex and there is more than 25% more damage as demon since you can count on fingers the number or rank 8 sins
  • thats not cheap but not smart either if you try a defensive build with 3 sockets and like 300-400k coins boots and another cape...
  • any sage or demon skill with similar effects (subsea, wolf emblem, bloodpaint+atk rate, etc) are about the same overall or just 1-2% difference between them. there are sage or demon skills that are entirely different, like shadow escape or throatcut or whatever. those demon skills are more pvp oriented than sage. in the…
  • you didnt bother to read his whole post. he said that you need the extra -0.05 interval from rank 8 to make up for the loss with hitman legends you didnt bother to read either. there are some cases where -0.05 interval doesnt do jack to your atk speed sparked. for example 1.43 and 1.54 atk speed unsparked result in a 2.0…
  • how is HL underpopulated? yes there was a time like many months ago when its was but now it seems pretty much populated and probably same number of shops in west as on LC. some european server was closed and ppl came here and other ppl from pve servers rerolled on HL... its far from under populated imo except yes on every…
  • last i checked there was no bramble rage in the air. uh and i know 5 aps sin that deal 500ish or 1kish (crit) melee damage to me in tw and he has +10 nirvana daggers. yes i have time to react since i have over 8k hp, yes im robe with nice pdef imo... if they use skills they dont 1 shot me ever and even more time to expel…
  • well, i said some good points not all... every player can try any build they want even if its a fail one like axe veno or whatever. personally i pointed out somewhere in a recent thread that some HA/AA veno with 4 pieces of nirvana gear and better items in general has almost same pdef as me lol... its obvious that a HA…
  • that is funny. actually if you use a bit more dex and less mag you can wear a bow this is in human form sparked. not as good as a sparked magic weapon but its funny
  • check shops or check offers on HL :P its 30mil wing trophy, 40mil lunar ornament, 60mil+ for cloudcharger still expensive as hell, i know... even more if that guy has the wiz as main
  • i dont find your play style handy for me either, i guess each with their own style. actually i think even you would completely change the style with a +12 weapon and a freeze/stun/whatever disable genie skill since you are sage... so there are no footsteps to follow
  • with no real arguments imo. i have the feeling thats the only one who really tested and rest of the people arguing against him were just talking...
  • notice those 27 lvl difference. we mostly talking about same lvl mobs/bosses or those with [?] (150) lvl. i know barb who did like over 300k damage on some boss and only because he has like close to 30k hp human and ive seen that psy did like 500k on some mobs... but 100k on 27 lower lvl mobs is not impressive at all. i 1…
  • lol! reading the whole thread, that Avryll guy really has some good points which most of you chose to ignore but whatever i consider myself an average veno or under average (because of my gear) but i already can get 17k pdef buffed and i am vit/aa build. that is more than the majority of hybrids HA/AA venos i met, i'll…