jsjon Arc User


  • I hope she posts it up with a spend reward +12 and r9 weapon mat sale for next week
  • Hello, I would like to thank you for your efforts on the forum and ingame. I have seen you on the Etherblade server several times. We all appreciate codes. Just a note that war avatar A chests are always welcome. Perhaps there is a way to query the player base to see the proportion that have completed 5 or 6 card A sets.…
  • An update for anyone in the future pondering something similar. I upgraded my weapon and rolled: 21 atk lvl, 4% crit and 16 dex Wondering if I should re-roll or not, I refined to +3 to test it out in phoenix valley and level 100 trash mobs. In both cases the damage at +3(no shards) seemed similar to my old daggers at +12…
  • Thanks for the replies. A very good point, I forgot to take into account soul force. I mostly pve, the only pvp I do would occasionally be in nw. The link shows sheet dps, what would it be like with attack levels and crit % included. If this would help anyone, Adversity +10 Base Dmg 1363-1811 Atk lvl 40 Atk lvl 20-25 (I…
    in R9S3 vs... Comment by jsjon October 2015