iriedawta Arc User


  • Same here we received the sumas letter and it says nothing else. Why do they give out incomplete patches!?!?. We have a quest for lvling snowmen but there is no lvling snowmen to kill. There is no no Santa Claus either..since it takes you to now where..
  • better question is..... where are the christmas trees to get the cards from and what higher lvl wraiths is it talking about?
  • was wondering about that? There is nothing there for an npc with that name..So this quest is useless
  • Here is my specs also. I am using windows 7 x64 also and i can't play the game at all. It goes in a tizzy, blinking fit when i try to rotate the camera in game. The blinking doesn't stop and I have to re-log back in to make it work. Right now, i am in the game just in resting mode because i can't do anything. The game…