illestrealist Arc User


  • OMG!!!! DRAGON BARB!!! With the wings and everything!!! NICE!!!^__^
  • In case ya'll didn't check the patch notes section fanatically(like me) ORB SALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!! b:victory
  • You have your stand, good for you, IF you do go through with it though. Lets face it guys. You know it. You would lap up the medals if they were release in boutique even if it was 50gold per medal. I not trying to flame, but i seen this too many times. PWI pisses you off>you rage/flame/protest/threaten to quit/threaten to…
  • You never been in a 3hr tw war? Also i said Lost city, becos i remeber hearing somewhere, theres different timezones for diff servers. No idea on this. Also wouldn't weekend mornings be better? Maybe not "bright and early" how bout 10 am? 11am maybe?
  • Yes. Keep it to weekends, but weekend mornings maybe?
  • The truest statement in this whole thread. I salute you.
  • Moral of the story is: Buy whatever you can as soon as it comes out. You never know when it would be taken away.
  • What is this...i don't even........ You do know you're on a PVP server right? You also know that duels are like playing tekken at home, then going out on the street and trying to "falcon dice kick" a mugger right? Don't work so good.b:chuckle Go home lil man. You're so called accomplishment is all in your head.b:surrender
  • Bictor for president!!!!!!!! of forums. Best thread of all time, of all time!!! I'm actually excited about the next flow chart. Wonder what it'll be about.
  • - Agreed - We don't "Kos rpk" factions, we kos factions that kill our guildies. Makes sense right? - Lolwut? The new and absolutely menacing lvl 60+ RQ? Omg, I scare la.
  • Ouch Dizzy. You sound really bitter there. Is that what happened to you? Did the wittle itty bitty clery wewy get turned down by the big baddie kami? b:sadb:cry
  • You know what would be truly epic? Imagine athran and Elayne call a truce. Declare RPK on the whole server. Divide the map equally into 2 between Essence and Spec. If any faction wants a piece, they have to work, merge, pull out all the stops to get a slice from the two "Tyrants" Also nowhere out of safezone would be safe.…
  • It's an exciting idea. I agree with Trappe, that a new RQ should never be made. I hope Susamaji will make a rpk faction, could be fun. A faction wich is not allied to anyone, not playing political games just to ensure a place on the map, just flat out killing whoever they see. Epic!
  • ^This. Also i loled at cows.
  • Too easy to claim my buddies are the best. My list is going to be all enemies. The few worthy of a mention. One list, great cos of cash shop and the other simply good, working with what they have. 5 Tough cashshoppers Ehee(The gear is just epic, i weep for somalia, haiti and other countries that need charity) Zechs(The…
  • Well Wadzio, i guess you escaped the humiliation, this time. Good for you. Wich brings me to an observation. Spectral can only perform well on friday and saturday. Interesting. Very interesting. Perhaps your enemies can use this little bit of information against you. Enjoy your victories Spectral, but also remember,…
  • It's ok Yakuza. I fully understand why your ppl are acting up in this thread. A game-life of pure mediocrity, hiding, having what people allow you to have, never being able to amount to anything, can be very trying. It's ok. Continue singing your own praises. Someone has to do it.b:sad
  • Dramala!b:dirty I predict Kamisama will win against everyone except spec. Sg1 might win against spec due to them focusing on the war with essence. For the Essence vs Spec war, i really do not have any idea who will win, but wadzio, i must say you are a stupid fool. Did u think Adroit would come here and post a loss…