Yea aps class are useless these day unless u meet someone who's still a newb or undergeared. There's still hope tho. You can go DPH(drop aps gears and get gear that increase your attack lvl like r9 for example) and sneak up on an opponent throw all debuff and stun on them, then spam a few skill on them(don't auto attack).…
The more recent/new a class is the more OP they are compare to older classes. It's how pw encourage both old and new player incentive to re-roll to the new class and spend more money on gears. Nuf said! b:chuckle
Got my event cards after I submit ticket and do follow up information. They did a great job.b:victory
Same for me. I bought 4 ocean orbs 7 hrs ago. Still no event cards in mailbox. b:cry
Wow sorry to necro my thread but look like we are getting this "fatigue" system after all according to some peoples posting update changes in "REFLECTION" expansion. The 8 hours limit on farming/leveling. b:shocked