glider Arc User


  • Yep, all in now. Thanx. :)
  • You mean its not just me!?!?!?! WWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOO HHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I spam the login screen until I get in? Or will the system think I'm hacking and (re)ban me?
  • So... is there a difference between prepaid and "Ultimate" game cards? And do you have to be a blockbusters member to get these "Ultimate" cards?
  • Slightly different question - I heard a rumor that if you upgrade land mounts, not only does it increase the speed, but it reduces the level requirements from X to 20. Do the upgrades for the air mounts work the same way (increase speed/decrease level req?) If not... then why do Humans get to go at 2.5/4.5 at level 20 but…
  • I'm sorry to see yet another person leave. I'm really surprised management is doing nothing to stop the bleeding. (Having meetings and telling us 'we're having meetings, don't worry' doesn't count.)
  • Oh yeah. The Zen/CS pricing mess was so big (if it doesn't get fixed, I'm going back to MY, flawed GMs and all) I forgot about this bit. :D And if you need more evidence, just log into PW-MY, and see all the CS stuff that's out - and THAT isn't even the full ist...
  • Oh goody. I wasn't the only one who thought that...
  • And that's a point. This game is so much better with all the bells and whistles. Sure, I could play this game with much reduced cash shop. But why should I, when I can get this game plus affordable stuff at just a different internet address. True, I have a bit more lag and corrupt GMs over there. Lag I've been living with…
  • What everyone else in this thread said.
  • I really don't understand why they don't understand. It costs them nothing (besides initial translation) to provide X number of Charms. Yet they're pricing it as if it takes 3 thousand people 20 years to build one, then put it in the shop for us. Why don't they go the other way - since they are so convinced that high…
  • (bold/italics/underline mine) Some? OK. Everyone who IS happy with cash shop item prices... sound off!!! I wanna see how many of these people actually exist.
  • No replies? Everyone is getting their forum emails?
  • QFT (google it if you don't know what that means)
  • A venomaner seduces beings to follow her. Location: Any street corner. ;)
  • Everything everybody else said (the good stuff!;)). My only hangup is the Zen price - if it really is $1 per, which is over 3x the price in MY-EN, that will be a game breaker for me, and I'll be forced back to MY-EN, corrupt GM's, lag, and all.
  • Wow. Someone who obviously hasn't played the game telling people who've played the game from other regions and got past level 30 telling us we don't need cash shop items to be competitive in PvP. Incredible.
  • So everyone who joins this game has NEVER been on a forum before, has no idea what Search is, nor sticky threads??? Gah. Even I can't take this level of stupid sometimes.
  • Shift-1 is the 1st party member Shift-2 is the 2nd party member etc
  • *sigh* The cammo stuff is new, that's nice. However: (using EN-MY names because I don't know what they're called here) Funky Shirts and pants are missing Almighty is missing Vermilion Bird is missing Shadowdancer is missing Wings of Seraph is missing Smithy Heart is missing Lightness is missing Bikini top / bottom are…
  • I think they said the Item Mall and being able to buy Zen would be made available when OB starts. And LOL at the looking forward to, most of us have come from previous versions - we already waited for this stuff TYVM. Don't feel like waiting again. You don't know what you're missing if you've never played PW before.…
  • TY for signing up. Just a little longer till CB starts... :D
  • And the people who are on other versions, coming here, who like their character... we have the option of creating our own .ini files... so the question is QUITE valid... are the .ini files from other versions compatible with PWI?
  • What I REALLY REALLY need is the $$$ cost for Zen, and Item Mall costs in PWI. I have a budget, but I need to know what costs what so I can make plans.
  • This guild is going to be on the PvP server, if that helps. :)
  • ? Goes live, or goes open beta? There's a long time between the 2...
  • Um... the patch schedule for THIS version of the game! MY-EN is so yesterday. :D
  • Thanks for that background. Hum... Initial release... hum... do you guys have a patch schedule? Once a week? ;) Once a month? Once a quarter?
  • The problem with that problem is that 'most of the players' are us, from other regions. ;)
  • Um, someone who can PM Nia, tell her to read her email ASAP. If I read things right, she has a problem she need to fix right away.
  • Hi. Since PMs don't work here yet, I sent you a PM to your '222' account over on the MY forums. I just had some questions for you about this guild. Hope you don't mind. This guild sounds VERY interesting.