freygin Arc User


  • With rewards that boost gears further more, I wonder why they don't make other things easier and less tedious to farm like bloods for example, so that more ppl even new players can join pvp events a.s.a.p. The game is declining, the strong will stay strong for years and dominate nearly absolute, like with TW, if there's no…
  • Are "Knight patterns" different from runes (rune1 rune2 rune3 rune4 rune5) that's used to imbue skills or are they the rock scissor paper thingies or totally different things ? It's already 15 November 2016, how is this update on cn server, any news ?
  • What are the rewards from that new instance ? I read somewhere Barb gets new tiger form (cmiiw), what animal is it ?
  • As long as the publisher still operates, I bet PWI will get this stuff 100%. It's very unlikely a game of the same title gets different development because of different regions, maybe minor stuffs, totally different update path is next to impossible. Like it or not, this update will reach PWI. With this update, seems like…
  • Come to think of it, this skill could've been better if flight speed is added :( , Cleric is an elf which at the beginning together with archer got Flying mastery passive, how come it doesn't get any advantage when up there, even Psychic which is of water origin has a skill to boost fly speed. Wizard which is of land…
  • Yeah, 50% reduced channel on cyclone seems to be the best single skill for DPS above all else, wellspring and IH are tempting though but Stream of Rejuvenation is much better with similar effect. My rune setup would be like this : Will we get another chi container with 4th Fairy ?? 4 spark too ? Like eirghan has mentioned…
  • Ah I see, I thought it's permanent. All is good then :D I hope there'll be a quick change like profile 1 profile 2 etc for different rune setups. Damn I like cleric even more with this update. If we can swap between runes then every encounter with a class can be really surprising, even with the same character.
  • Wow that's a tough choice, but even if a cleric goes metal mage, aoe heal can be substituted by blue ball, single heal can pick either wellspring or IH, not too bad, but still...losing heal skills in cleric form is really hard. :(
  • Any new info about the new stuffs ? Especially how to obtain the skill runes, is it farmable or cashshop ? Can we switch runes for various builds at anytime with no cost or not ? It would be awesome if they at least let us try different builds for free with a test dummy in our homestead and allow us to create this dummy by…
  • Runeable skills are limited to 10 skills and we are only allowed to rune 6 skills. How about combined addons from demon/sage kills, do we get all skills or only 10 runeable skills, or only 6 skills that we choose to be runed can have both addons?
  • New stat additions, if there are 10 skills that's 'runeable', does that mean this stats will be multiplied by 10 ?? Level 10 gives , x10 skill HP +261 x10 = 2610 Pdef +340 x10 = 3400 Mres +698 x10 = 6980 Matt +133 x10 = 1330 Spirit +50 x10 = 500 Def Lev +4 x10 = 40 Att Lev +4 x10 = 40 Something like this won't be cheap /…
  • Look at that ring, damn, my $750 r9.3 ring suddenly not shiny anymore. Will there be g17 armors too?
  • Next update, Sin will have a GM command /d_kill <nickname> for single target and /d_aoekill <n,i,c,k,n,a,m,e,s> , the sin will have to be within 20metres from the targets , but they still reconsider this because it's faster to just press 1 2 3 a few times than typing nicknames.
  • So we can only pick ONE rune per skill ?
  • Base/weapon damage % is always huge with sin. wtf.
  • Does the fairy change form with the new culti to 4th fairy ?
  • Please don't translate sin part, I have a feeling sin will be god, lets just leave it until the day the patch arrives. --- On second thought, Ultra Violet Dance cooldown will be reduced tremendously, doesn't matter much for weapon switch if it's indeed 1.5s cooldown and 0.1s channeling. Rune 3 cooldown reduced to 5s…
  • @beast21g : Like Chary has said, it's egregious (thanks for the word, new vocab for me lol) , due to the cooldown which is 15 seconds. With the addition of G17 weapons that can have so many unique addon, it should be reconsidered to let weapon change in uvd, most classes with purge weapon can switch until purge proc'ed and…
  • Finally, a unified demon and sage skill effects. I've always wanted them to do that, I remember posting it somewhere. Are you a Demoge or a Sagmon ? :smiley:
  • Most rune 5 effects for cleric are for UVD. The one thing I hope they won't forget is to let weapon switch in UVD because every class can do that. It's unfair cleric can't switch weapon in uvd. Heal skills become skills that delivers damage in uvd, that's great. Seems the meta for cleric killer combos will change after…
  • Archer can have 3 stealth skill then, one original, jump left and right. Jump to Left, trigger stealth, the opponent use anti stealth, 30 secs later archer jump to the right and stealth, the opponent have to wait 90 seconds for cooldown, and there is still one last skill for stealth. I like that Cleric purify, with only 3…
  • Looking at this data, -GoF is the same for CN R9, PWI R9, G17 -Purify Spell G17=CNR9 < PWI R9 -Spirit Blackhole CN R9 = PWI R9 <G17 This is great info. I thought RR8 Puri had lower chance from CN RR9, from a data gathered through a test posted in PWI forum quite long ago but it's PWI RR9, and I thought CN RR9 = PWI RR9…
  • What's the point revamping an instance that has no purpose for farming anything useful, it will just make it harder for new players. They really need to update the engine a.s.a.p instead of updating useless thing, for me pve in this game has no fun at all, there is no satisfying feel like killing monster in a **** and…
  • I wonder what the New classes will be like, their roles, what buff they will have, the balance, the only class additions that I don't really mind are from Earthguard. I hate Fish and Nightshades.
  • By releasing Atk lv/Def lv +3 shards, it's the same as a re-shard, twice, if the needed stones are the same as before. Any x-server Pvp event can't be implemented because of PvE servers ?
  • So Swordman Online was never been released with the old engine, and suddenly released with the new engine. I just watched a video of it and it's pretty good, if the engine were used for PW it should be able to retain the same gameplay with lock-on targetting (there is also a crosshair tho, not sure if it means anything,…
  • So if we are already satisfied with our starchart / avatar, there's no need to level minions or can totally skip this minion things ?
  • They always demo their new engine but that doesn't mean it will be used for remaking PW, they have several engines like for pw is angelica (cmiiw), then there is angelica 3 (maybe angelica 2 as well), I also read about a combat engine shadowland 3 , if PW is going to be remade, logically it should use the renewed successor…
  • Archer will be my goto class in mass pk now to keep those pesky sin, barb, db and bm away :D
  • It doesn't make any sense a game this old ignores our pc spec and run slow by its own, even a dos game or older pc game can run too fast with 200 fps or more without vsync, there must be a bottleneck somewhere. Is it possible that the lag/fps drop is actually because of the server and how the game sync everyone with each…