darkbleueyes Arc User


  • Please guys and sylen check this: arcgames.com/en/forums/pwi#/discussion/1205084/we-really-miss-xnw We are many that want the challenge back. Please give it us back like 1 day for regular NW in each server, another day for xNW that would solve everything !!
  • Well yes this is kinda a factor but when idk how long you been playing this game, let me tell you this, 5-6 years ago back pwi only had US server. There been a very bunch of europeans players and we still there stuck in US server because pwi wont move our toon in Dawglory server we still playing pwi, FOR ONCE pwi was…
  • This game is slowly dieing...pvp sux more and more. xNW was the good things THE GOOD one all you need is fix it a lil bit , to balance it more wich is i'm sure possible ...REMOVED?seriously...how ridiculous and yes i went regular NW it's boring...very boooring and i can see very few ppl join i ask, my friends if they will…
  • Mono i support you 100%...Seriously PWI please get back NW cross server it was the best fun event u made since very long years...keeping regular and add XNW would be the solution to all problems. So ppl can still farm NW on their omw server and XNW come up for challenge high geared ppl that really want some fun because…