cottman Arc User


  • One possibility is that the content was available at the time and was added recently. It is for a party of 95+. If you ever looked at it you know I am not kidding. The mobs are more jammed together than vendors in west archo b:laugh
  • One simple idea is guild AH instead of guild bank. Guild members buy/sell just like the main AH. The difference is that no listing expiration date, only buy now at fixed price and no sales tax. (I assume max profit from guildie is not your goal) This should help the who-gets-what-at what-price dilemma for a "bank".
    in bank Comment by cottman February 2009
  • I would rather see every1's cure face rather than the cookie cut helmet.
  • Don't worry. If you play the way you are supposed to, you can simply forget about keeping up you rep with your lvl. Rank gears are the best of its lvl (except for the ultimate warsoul) and definitely not for everyone to have.
  • We should definitely not allow the transferring of rep from one player to another - just like we should not allow the transferring of military gears. It is flawed. People can somehow manage to transfer rep from their alts to main, from retired account to active. Please understand the ultimate goal of the game is the have…
  • This idea is nothing new. It is against the F2P fundamentals and it does not work in practice. On the paid server, you will not find enough playing. Believe me, a server with so few people is no fun. For those who pay to be here, they tend to buy stuff and not to farm for it. So you will find not enough farmers for TT and…
  • It is not that I enjoy KS or being KS'd. It is a minor problem and not the end of the world. There are much more headaches in game. Just grow up and deal with it.
  • I searched among the living snowman forever and never saw one Little Yao snowman. Even one does spawn, it will not be enough for dozens of people waiting. I don't mind hard quests but this can't be right.
  • Go to the right village and stand on the chimney. A window will pop up and you are done.
  • I have enjoyed your predictions. But it seems to be the time for you to take a short break. Reasons? first you do not say anything about TE. Second, we know what will happen Rad vs RoC. So you give only one meaningful prediction per week and it is about two smaller guilds. So, sleep more, until the spot light is moved away…
  • Blessing hit 90 in HT
  • Agreed. The bottom lines is whether you think healing others is fun. If you do not think so, make another class and carry some HP bottles with you.
  • Easy decision. Max your inv for 9G. Well worth it.
  • Some posts before explained random mathematically. In computer programing, random is random only if the seed is generated randomly. It is not hard to do that. However, I've seen codes that forgot to use true random seed when it should be used. An extreme example is that you form a party, kill 100 mobs and record the drops…
  • I am sure Hong knows that. Hong just wished for a war among Evo, Ely and Rad for their own good.
  • Same here. Random crash that seems just well, random. Can GM offer any thoughts, even if you can't fix it?
  • Well, I have to say that the economy in this game is quite good. For those who wish to make a million every day go to play raplez. You will see price jump to 10x in a month there. So the obvious fact is that you will do better if you spend real money. The not so obvious is that you can do quite well without spending a…
  • 8pm PDT TW time is ridiculous.
  • Same :( GM sell us the cheap gold at current price :cool:
  • The mail beasts and female foxes makes more sense in Chinese culture. But when the game is in North America we should have both choices.
  • If you play long enough you will have 5mil or 500mil. You will then laugh at the fee of 500 coin.
  • I am an EP so do not know if it applies to other classes. I believe there is some text bugs. For this quest, you need to first kill some mobs until you get the drop Celestial Sprite. Then go near the river bank to pick the flower Celestial Sprite. The drop Celestial Sprite and flower Celestial Sprite have exact same name…
  • You can't make sockets. equip with sockets are rare drops. This is especially true when you are low. the good news is that you dont need to fuse anything b4 lvl 30 - waste of money even if it has sockets - u dump that thing in a hour anyway.