copy1#8039 Arc User


  • You dont need 1 character that can solo flowsilver, but a squad that can handle it together. Maybe it will take 3 months getting g16 set but you have to start somewhere. I can gear my own alts in g16 whenever i want now, but a couple years back i farmed every single piece from scratch for every alt i had then. All gold and…
  • There was a broken promo where you could get like 5200+ packs or something like that by charging 200 dollars and spend 1 silver. A LOT of people did that. Many packs were opened and the tome prices dropped drastically.
  • Considering the basics levels doesnt cost coin anymore its not really something that bothers people too much anymore and levelling all shouldnt be a problem. "Frost Scarab" is however useless and I dont even put it on my skillbar. Also "Ironwood" is not worth upgrading to "Redstone" IF you are demon, its more of a…
  • Im assuming its the "special hit" that kills you, he does it like every ~30 sec (not sure on time just a guess) The hit is based on how many people are doing the boss. More people = less damage taken. Though it could also just be regular hits and aoes that kills you if you really are that low on defense. If its the special…
  • Its just a specific color when the item gets "spawned", but can be redyed.
  • Hmm, my ingame ex spouse moved permanently to Japan and Im sure they logged in from there last time I saw them online & I talked to them. Their account seemed fine but I would probably ask customer support about it anyway.
  • Well I tried to link it twice but the stupid spam filter caught me Its called Nuema Portal Avatar Chest. You dont have to search for whole name at once.
  • Well, I said may not be relevant. Maybe it is relevant? I dont exactly what you had, what pets and gems etc. Its just... In my opinion a fitting server is worth more than if you had lets say 200mil saved up. Worth way more than that. Trust me - I am on the wrong server myself. But it could also be that your fortune is on…
  • Yea you pretty much want to be r9, not anything lower. I wouldnt recommend warsoul and I wouldnt spend coins on upgrading g16 at all. Warsoul isnt bad, but its not good enough and is just a too-costly middle step that slows your gearing progress imo. r9.4 weap is great but its costly. While its the better choice you can…
  • This game is nowhere like it was back then. Its like a different game. Server, you pick the one that fits your timezone / ping best. It may not matter at the start but you'll thank yourself later if you continue to play for a long time and start catch up on everything. What you had back in 2009 may not be relevant. Unless…
  • Just think of every race getting their missing armor type. Dont forget the famous Nightshade class, now as Heavy Armor. Probably gonna have a massive whirlpool skill that reels everybody to him/her consistently with a huge range while also immobilizes. Yushhhh. Female venomancers, Male barbarians... TRANS LIGHT ARMOR…
  • FeelsSadMan
  • Long story short; full deity (or devil) is really only available if you are maxed out everywhere else, including having 1 or more g17.3 weapons with defensive procs. Basically your survivability still need to be your main priority as a blademaster, so as soon you gain enough "tankyness" to be able to survive comfortably,…