beforedawn Arc User


  • Yes but how many people will choose to not pay the outrageous prices for gold? Maybe they might get tempted by some of the prizes in the anniversary box but have no real life money to spend, so even though they know the gold prices are outrageous, they still buy. I do not understand your point of supply and demand. The way…
  • Hey Vinny! Kudos to you for being so positive! Games are so much more than just leveling and being the best. I'm glad to see someone who genuinely enjoys helping others.
  • What, your definition of loyalty is if someone slaps your right cheek, you should give them the left to slap too? Perhaps that definition is applicable to circumstances to real life, but to apply it to virtual games is insane and unhealthy. You have to realize that people are entitled to their opinions and you cannot say…
  • I do not know if things will return to normal but I do know that PWI lost a lot of dedicated players today. I believe it takes loyalty and dedication for these players to reach high levels and now PWI has just lost a lot of them all in one go. Will things return to normal? I don't know.
  • Yeah but it's a totally different concept. They give out free stuff every single day. And there are always new events, the site is updated with new content everyday, and the site content is massive. And when you spend real money on the game, you get bonus items online. Plus, you don't need to spend real money in that game…
  • I am disappointed. I probably would have been loyal and devoted to this game had they not pulled this stunt because I think in terms of game play it is one of the best ones I have played. Honestly, who knows if there is a next year? And even if there is, what if they say, oh only people who have been with us for two years…
  • I think it's really unfair that only players who registered before Sept. 08, 2008 get free stuff. I mean I know there is double exp and stuff but I think even new players deserve rewards for just choosing to play this game. People might not require perks like free stuff to stay in a game but it certainly would make people…
  • :O What about all the luring and summoning then dismissing and stuff? I'm not sure I'll remember what to do when. >.< And the pet stuff seems complicated.
  • I keep seeing debuff a lot. What is debuff? And thanks for your advice I'll definitely consider getting a wolf that comes with howl.