autumnfaerie1989 Arc User


  • LOOOOOL Woooow waaay to show your EPICALLY HUGE ego there payne... and good for you... no one cares what u seem to think there "Mr. God Almighty" go crawl back into your little hole now, and let the grown ups talk... P.S. Thanks for the laugh!
  • when your server is missing thousands of dollars in gold items coin etc then complain away others wise who cares about lost time on 2x we all lost it too
  • how are you going to reimburse people for this!! lost time, lost coin/items etc... why is it you cant seem to maintain your servers and **** without having issues every other week?! b:angryb:angryb:angry
  • if its because you cant login, your not alone... they've had issues allllll day (14 hrs i cant login now) hang in there they will eventually fix this ****
  • God love ya Cola! b:heart your right :) ty
  • Say what you will, we have screenshots to prove otherwise and certainly hasn't been 4 months since they been taken... but that's fine say what you will... As for the nickname... Kinda like it and friends and I had a good laugh over it......I may be a bit immature, but i also still young myself... what excuse do you have?…
  • right... you have personally attacked Ari, Roe and others soo many times ive lost count... calling Ari all sorts of names that would get censored here and totally break the ToS... so Stop being so darn innocent cause your not and none of us buy it
  • Not even our our server to see the **** and you get it! your right she is just as guilty and certainly is paranoid easily provoked etc... just another of the lovely drama queens we see in world chat everyday
  • I'm not complaining about your crappy gear, mines no better, I'm on about the fact that you sit here and whine and go on about the ToS and you break it just as much as the next one.... stop being such a hypocrite, just cause you cant take what your dishing out and finally others on the server are dishing it right back....…
  • AND ANOTHER THING!! How DARE YOU accuse WnbTank of hacking/account sharing.... hes one of the few people i know who had worked his *** off for his gear and toons, and doesnt associate himself with lowlifes like you and TJ... Just cause his barb/cat shop has better gear than you $weet... get over your jealousy already...…
  • Ari! I Love you! $weet.... really WC drama isn't enough you have to take your **** to the forums... people violate the ToS everyday.... SO DO YOU! day in and day out, so stop being all "QQ im butthurt" all because someone else got the better insults... I don't know if i speak for ALL of Archosaur server but i know the ones…
  • you can also go to your search on your comp and type dxdiag it will tell you what version of directx you are using so you know if you need to go to microsoft,com to download the newest version
  • yea unable to get into any of my toons... booo