OMG, this thread is getting out of control, ah ok here i go ill try to answer some questions, as far as im concerned, it is pretty easy to make enuff money to buy r8, u just hav to work hard at it, as for bh 100 rewards dont count on tht to get u r8 it wud take the same time as u getting a gud job b:chuckle And i c nothing…
1.) Its generally agreed that r8 is the best budget armor out there, at 100 mill (-ish) u get a wep, plate and cuisses, so its generally best to go with that if u are savnig up for smtng bigger 2.)Cascade Glow is just the nirvana version of the lunar gold armor, looking at its cost and how u are saving up for r9, i wudnt…
Dont think a seeker with such gear wud b able to hit high enuff to take down the last 2 bosses on the run, but with enuff hp and an aps bm or sin helping then yes it wud b possible depending on the exp'ness of the seeker. Also, as a side note i would like to point out that (at least on Sanc server) 100+ toons r willing to…
I think mainly the DC's popularity is due to peepl who think that they hav to get fcc gold weps at 85 to keep up with other seekers their level, and because they hav too much money to sepnd b:chuckle, as far as i know, firelotus is a pretty gud wep to use till 100 if only because it has sac strike and adds hp (it also…
I think she meant more along the lines of are u going to participate in TW and expect to be uber succesful in it? and more like can u afford the +10s and +12s necessary to do so? b:chuckle
As far as i know, yes. I've used edged blur to proc parchedblade in fcc and PV quite often though i think if u want a high chance of success, u've gotta have a high lvl of the dance (i keep parchedblades lvl purposely low so i can use heartseekre with some success) though idk the % success rate, i can tell u its an…
umm hate to make this an open/shut thing but SAGE,SAGE,SAGE, and i say once again just to make sure SAGE, !.) sage skills give u anti-stun, chance to proc aganist negaticce status effects, extra def lvls, increased dph, and basically evrything tht helps u do ur job in squads, and helps u on ur own as well. 2.) ive known…
I think the whole battle mage thing comes from seekers having attacks which deal magic dmg, which led some peepl initially to blyv that they were a battle mage class, but in reality they are NOT b:chuckle As for their role in TW, with my limited experience, i can tell u that i personally on the less well-geared LAs and if…
[So glad that we are going to have an awesome seeker on pwi happy travels, may the force be with u! b:victory
Open up the ratchety lid then this is pwi not pw vendetta lol, nah im jk b:chuckled Ok then in that case, vortex is a bit of an expensive skill so just level it to lvl 7, till then the costs r reasonable, after its about 3 mill to lvl it to 10, and mp food is pretty cheap its about 650 coins per piece on Sanctuary, so its…
First of all, i just wanted to say i would consider it a deep personal favor if u would level ur seeker the old-fasioned way but its up to u b:chuckle !.)Vortex isnt as big a deal as most people make it out to be, I consider gemini slash and heartseeker to be of far greater importance. The main thing about playing a seeker…
If it was me, i would skip the r7 gear altogether and just stick with tt90 green with some gud refines and lvl 8 cit shards. They add way more hp, and the phys res difference is like i think 150-200 phys def. Or for a change, use the lvl 97 legendary plate, which has a phys dmg taken reduced +2%. Might wanna go in for a…
Going back to the original question,here's the breakdown for ya: 1.) Against Bosses/Instance mobs: I start off with soulsever--->gemini, switch over to NSW--->keep staggering for the duration of the boss fight. With instance mobs (read FCC) you'll most likely just be vortexing anyway b:surrender so dont worry about stance…
Idk about sticky since its not xctly relevant to 100% of the seekers out there (dont hate me lol), since for nearly everyone its more practical to use mp food rather than an mp charm, and wat u actually trade off is wat? 1k hp, bout 500-600 phys res, for a backup in case u forget to click? again, as i said, dont hate i c…
As long as u have mp food at hand, it doesnt really make a difference between lvl 1 and lvl 10 vortex, the range doesnt differ by all tht much, its only a 2m difference between the 2, but the damage difference is drastic, since mp food gives u 5k mp over 10 seconds as long as u keep spamming it, even with sage vortex u…
Did u mean for use in PvE or PvP? Because for PvE, u shud prbbly go for the lvl 95 morai wep, or the lvl 100 duals, or if u hav the patience b:chuckle, the G15 morai duals from lumi. They r pretty epic at PvE (ranked in ascending order of awesomeness) For PvP, i find single blades to hav less dph, i wud rather go with…
Tried using the little arrow thing next to mini map ( i forget what its called b:surrender) ?
I second Hazumi, nobody's a noob so long as they r willing to learn. At endgame, no matter how well-refined the seeker's gear. When triple-sparked, the sin (with gud gear) will b hitting 5 times per second, whilst a seeker wud hit 3 times every 3 seconds or roughly once per second. Even with GoF on the wep, the sin hits 5…
There are a couple of ways to deal with sins stunning/immobilising, then triple sparking: !.) prevention is better than a cure; dont let them stun u (sage unfetter, anti-stun genie skill) 2.)As soon as the invulnerability from the triple spark wears off, QPQ them (sage version preferrably for the 3 second debuff), then…
Since ur a seeker ill tell u a little trick i learned early on,(mentioned in sympathi's guide too b:chuckle) Try to get urself an exp room for free from a desperate sin, than after boss/mobs/heads dont leave squad. Instead, go over and vortex all the mobs the sin stealthed through, in the 2 main hallways past the shade…
Id like to point out tht loner only said that they r not the best solo class, he didnt say that they cudnt solo b:surrender. And if ur archer can solo fcc at 95, (uber geared b:chuckle) then by all means continue to do so. But, the OP may not hav as much money as u do to get the kind of epic refines and gears it wud take…
That's what makes them hard to play, b:chuckle. Plus i meant that they are harder to play then sins or aps bms where all u do is press F1 and go afk b:pleased, b:victory
If the only thing that attraacts u about seeker is the def lvl buff, u've got a lot to learn. Btw, seekres r pretty boss in pvp, especially against LA's because they get hit so hard by phys. skills its funny b:chuckle, although if ur used to both those aps classes, seekers dont kill quite as fast but we have far better…
dont know how they stack up but wat about G15 morai dags for PvE, u can GoF on them too
Saku plz correct this guy, umm 2% increase in crit rate only adds 2% of dmg to overall dps, while the 15% extra dmg increases its effectiveness with the refines of the wep resulting in a higher effect as u mentioned at +12 r9r2 dags than with +5 G13s. Sage Dag Devo is also wicked cheap on sanc and thts the reason my sin is…
As far as im aware chi siphon gives u more chi spread over a longer period of time (15 or 30 seconds? not sure), but cloud eruption gives u at least 2 sparks instantly, depending on genie build. For my bm, personally i use cloud eruption because it gives enuff chi to demon spark then pop off an hf bfore pounding on some…
thankies, Asty-sensei b:thanks
I find your question very vague... Do you mean pulling large groups of mobs in FF, or are you asking about skills you can add to chains to do more DD? Either way here goes, if you are talking about AOE DD'ing, then you have alredy listed the 2 top skill, but you cud also do this handy skill chain if ur low on mp food to do…
If u have a 5 aps sin on same account, with acccount stash stone, and are too **** to realise LA on seekers sucks b:cute
b:chuckle, but criusly it wud b harder if they demon bell'ed then popped mag marrow b:thanks