Bump to see date i joined forums ^^
Android system FTWb:laugh
Yet another great Idea.. but the ability to buy more is great
It wouldnt be 2x if it was perm ^^.. trust me this game is EASY and drop rates are awsome.. i used to play BotRoad (SilkRoad Online) for years.. only 1 rare drop in all those years.
i know quite a bit of people will flame the item mall idea but if it makes them money they will be more motivated to entertain the idea. i like the idea of a quest also :D also once in the instance your fashion changes to become more "formal" i know the Ideas are rough but its just an idea.. the programmers will not change…
50 gold and a 6 month cool down
May even be nice to be moved to a instance for the marriage only.. another Item mall item? wedding invatations to allow entrance into your specific instance.. box of 20 invatations for 50 silver? would also keep unwanted nubs out of your pics.
Thanks for the move b:thanks
Because PWI rules ^^
Sorry.. new to the forums.. please delete this topic ^^ im goin to bump the other threads until i get banned or someone responds HAHA!!
Bump.. move the damn Eldest Matchmaker.. if your gonna charge that much for a Marriage packs make it worth it PWE.. seriously
Sanc would be an awsome place to move the Marriage based NPC's.