Yeoseongi - Sanctuary Arc User


  • I'm a 68 year old man, but I play a veno because I always prefer a magic character to a brawler. I'm PvE because I find PvP juvinile and foolish. What's the point in killing another character just because he's weaker than you. Does that prove anything? I would consider such a faction simply to stop all the requests I get…
  • With all the posts about the servers being down it's obvious the users are not finding this thread. From the main menu there is no indication where it might be. I first went to announcements, which I thought would be the logical place to announce an outage, planned or otherwise. But the latest announcement is about the new…
  • Fuben is not Korean, I believe it is Chinese. I can attest to the Korean because I live in Korea and can read Korean. It uses an alphabet just like English. Can't help on the Chinese since it uses pictograms which I can't read. b:chuckle
  • Hay can be gotten from turtles near Desert of Echoes. It can also be gotten from the Rhinodrake Megality outside Archosaur. The turtles are low level, probably about 14, the Rhinodrakes are over 20. The drop is pretty scarce, but I finally got mine. It just took a while.
  • I created two accounts and I use them on two computers in my home. My main account is the one I play, the secondary account now has two characters that I use for storage. One keeps all the mats for the tailor, blacksmith, etc. and the other keeps all the reagents I gather. When I want to transfer stuff I just turn on the…
  • I totally agree with the need to do something about the shops. West Arch is the worst of the worst, but everywhere I go, there are cat houses, er... stores blocking access to NPCs, particular near the bank and the pet NPCs. The cats should not be allowed in the streets nor where they block visibility and access to the…
  • The bug is not in the quest but in the instructions. No where does it mention that you need 2000 silver to train the eagle. However, once you have the 2000 the message pops up that you need to pay 2000 for training. I went over to the NPC across from the Aerocraft Dealer, sold some stuff I had picked up, and his flag…
  • Thanks, I missed that one. Now all I have to do is figure out how to increase my pet bag. I read it somewhere, so I'll have do go back and try to find it... b:pleased