Sweetiebot reroll Netherworld Guidance 10 times
Sweetiebot open 500 Dragon's Fire packs please Sweetiebot open 500 Dragon's Fire packs please Sweetiebot open 500 Dragon's Fire packs please
Sweetiebot open 200 Dragon's Fire packs please
Sweetiebot , thank you
Sweetiebot what is the latest patch?
Imagine that, PWI not having their ducks in a row and can't flip a switch correctly. You all need to come together as a team, hold hands, and all flip that big, green, candy-like switch together.b:angry
SweetieBot will you have my babies?
Sweetiebot what would you do for a Klondike Bar?
My favorite thing to do is help other ppl in FF. When ppl can get for free what they usually have to pay for they truly appreciate it. The satisfaction of helping others is a great reward.
Here every1 chill, relax and enjoy a good video while you wait.b:laugh
shows server staus as being up, why cant i log game?
Sweetiebot forge a Crown Of Madness.
SweetieBot forge me a Crown Of Madness
SweetieBot why are the PWI people such inconsiderate morons?
SweetieBot, how many attribute points will start off with when i do 2nd reawakening?
SweetieBot, if you are interested, do you want to come over to my house and play Perfect World?
SweetieBot, do u feel emotion?
SweetieBot, will you marry me?
SweetieBot open 5000 wildlife packs for me.
SweetieBot open 1000 dragon's fire packs for me.
SweetieBot please open 1,000 sunshine packs for me.
sweetie bot, please open 1,000 sunshine packs for me.
ill run 1v1 ff with u, pm me in-game, xxxstizzyxxx
still drunk...still stoned..still no game
ive drank a 24 pack bdweiser, smoked an eighth of weed, i need server "up" status
im ready to kill anything with HP
really dude? im patched, drunk, stoned, just open the server plz, im ready to kill
+1 +1 +1